
Tuition & Fees

Fees starting January 1, 2025

  • Lakeside’s Annual Tuition for all students, K-12, is $14,000.
  • New Parent Family Enrollment Fees – $200
  • Returning Family Enrollment Fees – $160
  • Digital Tech & Curriculum Fee (DT Fee) :
    • Student 1  $800
    • Student 2 $500
    • Student 3 $250

Step Up For Students Scholarships

As of June 2023, the state of Florida has a variety of scholarships available to all Florida residents with K-12 students, regardless of income.

All of our enrolling parents are required to access a Florida scholarship to help cover their tuition and fee costs at Lakeside Christian in order for their enrollment to be accepted.

Florida Residents: To find out more information about the state scholarships for private schools, please visit the Step Up for Students Scholarship website linked below. 

Scholarship Website:

Please note: Scholarship applications often take 2-6 weeks before you receive approval. Lakeside will move forward with enrollment with proof provided of a submitted scholarship application.

Lakeside’s Tuition Program

The state scholarship amounts are typically less than our listed annual tuition amount per child. Every private school has the unique ability to create its own tuition program utilizing the amount of scholarship funds the state annually approves. Lakeside has a three-tiered program based on parent income using the state scholarships to cover some or all of the tuition and fees.

Tier 1 – Parents at an income level qualifying them to receive SNAP benefits. Proof of your receiving SNAP benefits is required. With your SNAP benefit proof provided, the annual state scholarship awards will cover 100% of tuition and the DT Fees.

Tier 2 – Parents with an Adjusted Gross Income below $140,000, who do not receive SNAP benefits. Proof of your AGI from your prior year tax return is required. The state scholarship award will cover 100% of your student(s) tuition. Parents are responsible for DT fees and all enrollment fees.

Tier 3 – Parents with an Adjusted Gross Income above $140,000. The state scholarship award will cover a significant amount of your student(s) tuition. The parent is responsible for all fees.

A Tier 3 parent is responsible for the following per student tuition amount in addition to the annual state scholarship amount.

  • Student 1   $4800
  • Student 2   $3800
  • Student 3   $3200
  • Student 4+ $0

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Courses

Lakeside covers the cost for a student’s 2 High School level Foreign Language courses. LCS may cover the cost for a course a High School Student requests that meets a Core Requirement when LCS cannot meet a particular scheduling need. LCS does not cover the FLVS costs for any credit recovery course or for a course not required for graduation.

Learn More

Online: fill out our contact us form and a Lakeside Administrator will get back with you to answer your questions

Phone: 727-261-0937


Past-Due Policy

All tuition plus fee and service charges must be paid monthly. Payment terms are listed on your tuition agreement.

LCS reserves the right to impose any or all of the following restrictions on parents with a past-due balance:

  • No student may return to class after any quarter or semester break until all outstanding tuition balances plus accrued late charges are paid. All student records will be archived until a student is reinstated upon the clearing of payment with the school’s bank.
  • Participation in after school or after care activities will be suspended if there are past-due balances for these non-tuition services more than 45 days in arrears. You are responsible to check ParentsWeb to view balances.
  • During the 4th quarter, parents having accounts with past-due amounts over $1000 will be asked to keep their students home until past-due amounts have been paid.
  • The school reserves the right to ask a parent who has been habitually late with payments to pay the past-due amount plus the remaining balance to the end of the school year to maintain enrollment.
  • No student records will be released until final payments are received and checks have cleared.
  • All past-due amounts unpaid as of June 15 will accumulate either a $45 per month late fee or will be assessed a 21% interest charge compounded on a monthly basis depending on which is the higher penalty.

Parent Open Credit Policy

Parents with past-due balances will not be able to add new incidental charges to their parent accounts until they are current with the school. If you have past-due balances and you wish to purchase uniforms, sports fees, lunch/snack items, etc, you will be required to pay for those things at the time of purchase. In the case of sport fees, your child may turn out for the sport until the first game. If the sport fee is not paid by the first game, your student will be withheld from practice and game play until the fee is paid. Exceptions to this policy will be when a parent has signed a promissory note on the past-due debt, has met the requirements of the note, and their balance is below $250.

Online Payments

Currently, Lakeside accepts online payments through Paypal. You can also pay tuition directly in the school office via cach, check, or debit/credit card.

Pay Pal Instructions

In order to pay through PayPal, please click the link below. This will take you to the PayPal payment page for Lakeside Christian School. You will need to type in the amount you’re paying before going to the next screen. 

Please select item:

If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still pay school fees with PayPal. The next page will ask you for your credit card and other information needed to process payment. If you have a PayPal account, log in and pay as usual. 

Questions? Contact the school office directly at or by calling 727-461-3311.
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