Why More and More Florida Parents Are Sending Their Kids to Private Schools

Private school enrollment is on the rise in Florida and has been for some time. In an annual report published by the Florida Department of Education, it’s shown that 380,295 students were enrolled in private schools across the state during the 2018-19 school year. This is an incredible increase from a decade ago when enrollment was hovering just above 300,000 students. Parents are clearly choosing to send their children to private schools at an increasing rate. But what’s behind this increase, and why are parents willing to trust their child’s education to a private institution? In this brief article, we answer these questions and more as we discuss the many benefits of having kids attend an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL.

Unparalleled Learning 

Educators should be celebrated no matter what institution they’re a part of. But that’s not going to stop us from touting the benefits of our academic process. At Lakeside Christian School, we believe in challenging students to achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals. We employ data-driven instruction to assess student needs and make necessary adjustments throughout the school year. Too often, talented students who just need a little help and attention are left behind. Parents know that a private school will do everything possible to ensure that doesn’t happen to their child. 

The Experience of a Lifetime

A major concern for parents who are considering private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, is the possibility that their child will somehow miss out on important life experiences, experiences that they believe can only happen in a public school setting. But that’s just not the case. For example, we just sent our students home with their school portraits, and K-12 yearbooks are available so that students can look back on the memories made here at Lakeside Christian School. Our athletics program offers a variety of sports, including football, soccer, volleyball, baseball, and cheerleading, to students of all ages. And our drama department produces a number of musicals and plays throughout the school year for our talented students to perform in. Just because we’re a private school doesn’t mean we can’t offer students the experience of a lifetime! 

An Affordable Alternative 

Why are parents sending their kids to private schools? Because it’s more affordable than ever! Florida has six K-12 scholarship programs that “allow parents unprecedented choice among public and private schools.” These scholarships are designed to help children and their families who may be in need, such as low-income families. All told, Lakeside Christian School provides over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families each year. We’re proud to be a part of why parents time and again choose to send their kids to private schools. If you’d like to join the thousands of parents who trust their child’s education to a private school, schedule a new parent tour and see why Lakeside Christian School is one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

4 Ways to Give Your Child a Private Education While on a Budget

Every parent wants to give their child the best education that money can buy, but for many parents, a private education seems outside the realm of possibility. A private education is too expensive, they think. But parents that send their children to our affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, know this isn’t true. 


The cost of a private education may seem unaffordable, but we’re here to assure you that it isn’t. Below, we discuss four ways that parents on a budget can afford to send their children to a private school. We know that money can be tight when raising a child, but by following these tips, you can surely afford to send your child to one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL


1. Plan With Your Family 

Your family budget should involve your entire family. After all, everyone in your family is invested in your child’s success. Don’t be afraid to reach out to close-knit family members, like grandparents, who would be eager to contribute to your child’s success and future. 

Of course, budgeting also involves making sacrifices. You and your spouse should look over your expenses to determine if there are any areas where money can be saved. This is a common-sense approach, but you’d be surprised by how much you can save by watching a movie on Netflix instead of paying for movie tickets or by cooking at home instead of ordering in. 


2. Set Up a Savings Account 

The early bird gets the worm. It’s never too early to begin saving for your child’s education, especially if you want them to attend a stellar private school. As of January 1, 2018, you can set up a 529 savings plan and take advantage of federal tax benefits to pay up to $10,000 towards primary, secondary, and post-secondary schooling. Even if you just set aside a few dollars a week, you are contributing to a better future for your child. 


3. Apply for Scholarships 

We highly recommend Step Up For Students. This state-approved organization offers The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and Family Empowerment Scholarship, both of which are based on financial needs and afford parents an all-important choice in deciding where their children attend school. Lakeside Christian School provides over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families each and every year, including our very own in-house FACTS Scholarship.


4. Shop Around 

While we whole-heartedly believe that our school is the best in Clearwater, we encourage you to shop around, compare prices, and find the school that’s right for your child. Remember, not all private schools are created equally. Many can run you tens of thousands of dollars a year while providing your child with a subpar education. At Lakeside Christian School, we’re proud to offer enrollment fees on a sliding scale. Tuition at our school is based on the financial capabilities of the families we serve. Schedule a visit to discuss tuition and having your child join our Lakeside Christian School Lions. 


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Additional Benefits to Enrolling in Step Up For Students Participating Schools in Clearwater, FL

There are several Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, including Lakeside Christian School. As you probably know, Step Up For Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization dedicated to helping students gain access to better opportunities for academic success. This unique program supports multiple scholarships designed to balance the scales for low-income families as well as students with disabilities or those facing other challenges.

If you are interested in enrolling your child in Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL, you will have to select the right school to support your child’s journey for knowledge. In this article, we will discuss some of the additional benefits to enrolling your child at Lakeside Christian School, which not only offers Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL, but also provides students with the opportunity to “achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals.”

Planning for the Future

Step Up For Students scholarships give parents more control over where their child attends school, but it’s still important to ensure that this scholarship is being used to give your child the best opportunity available. One benefit of attending one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, is that your student will be prepared for the future. For instance, Lakeside Christian School divides elementary, middle, and high school into three distinct, laser-focused divisions.


  • Accelerated Learning Division: at the elementary level, students are introduced to programs designed to accelerate learning, bolster subject mastery, and expose children to robust teachings that challenge them while preparing them for the next level.
  • Rigorous Academic Division: once students enter middle school at Lakeside Christian School, they are tasked with preparing for high school by building skills across multiple foci, improving writing and language skills, and engaging in projects that require critical thinking.
  • College Prep Division: starting with core academic preparation, daily tutoring, and homework assistance, Lakeside Christian School’s high school classes are small in size but largely effective in cultivating tomorrow’s leaders. By the time your student graduates, they will be more than ready to take on college.



Academic and Spiritual Teachings

Another benefit of enrolling in a Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, is the fact that your child can benefit not only academically but also spiritually. In a caring Chrisitan environment, your child will always feel welcomed and loved. They will experience God’s teachings through lessons that incorporate biblical principles and encourage them to love God and others. The tight-knit community at Lakeside Christian School helps bolster success for all students by encouraging students to embrace their strengths and overcome weaknesses with the support of their friends and teachers.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Back to School: K-12 Scholarships You Can Still Apply for

It’s back to school time, and you know what that means — crafting lunches, grabbing school supplies, and preparing your child for their new school year. A big part of your child’s success in this coming year is ensuring that they can attend an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL. Below, we discuss the scholarships that parents can still apply to for the 2019-20 school year. Whether you are considering enrolling your child at our beloved school or your child is already a Lakeside Christian Lion, it’s never too late to invest in their education.

Florida Tax Credit Scholarship

Step Up For Students is a state-approved organization that has provided over 784,000 scholarships to lower-income Florida students in grades K-12 since the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship program’s inception in 2001. This scholarship is based on a student’s financial needs instead of their performance in school, ensuring that every child is allowed to benefit from a private education. 

Family Empowerment Scholarship 

Like the FTC Scholarship, the Family Empowerment Scholarship affords low-income families with more opportunities when choosing a school. As the name implies, the Family Empowerment Scholarship empowers families by giving their children access to a private education. Unlike the FTC Scholarship, the Family Empowerment Scholarship is funded by the Florida Education Finance Program and can only be used towards private school tuition and fees. 

Visit Step Up For Students to apply to either of these amazing scholarships. 

FACTS Scholarship

At Lakeside Christian School, we are committed to providing the children of Clearwater with a gateway to a private education, which is why we offer assistance through our online financial aid assessment program, FACTS. Like the above scholarships, this in-house scholarship is designed to create more affordable tuition for low-income families. The FACTS Scholarship is available to new families that have decided that Lakeside Christian School is right for them. 

There’s Always a Choice 

Each of the above scholarships was created with the idea that a private education should not be out of reach to Florida children. All told, Lakeside Christian School provides over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families each year. We firmly believe that every child can benefit from the improved academic outcomes, small class sizes, and caring guidance provided by a private Christian education. For a private school that will give your child the outstanding education they deserve, consider Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Is a Private Education Really Out of Reach?

It’s unfortunate that many parents believe that a private education for their child is out of reach. The smaller class sizes, superb teachers, and first-rate education offered by private schools like Lakeside Christian School can benefit students everywhere. These distinctions are not “out of reach” for the families of Clearwater. 

Through our scholarship programs and willingness to work with families, we are capable of offering Clearwater students an affordable alternative to public education. Below, we will be discussing how a private education for your child is well within reach. Schedule a new parent tour if you are interested in enrolling your student at Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL. 

An Abundance of Scholarships

At Lakeside Christian School, we participate in a number of scholarships, including Step Up For Students, the McKay Scholarship, and our in-house FACTS scholarship. All told, we provide over $250,000 in scholarships a year to our students and their families. If you don’t believe your child qualifies for a scholarship, you may be surprised. There are several different types of scholarships that are awarded to students. These scholarships are based on reading level, special needs, and family income, among other factors. 

Happily Helping Families 

Our tuition is based on the financial ability of individual families. If you are interested in enrolling your child at Lakeside Christian School but are unsure of the tuition costs, we implore you to reach out to us. We love hearing from new families, and we want to know if there is a solution that we can provide for you and your child. 

An Investment in Your Child’s Future 

When you invest in a private Christian education, you save money in the long run by setting your child up for success. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), private school students are more likely to graduate, move on to a four-year college, and have a successful college career. With the growing cost of college, parents need to leverage every available opportunity to guarantee that their children have a smooth transition into college life. At Lakeside Christian School, we specialize in building leaders that are more than prepared for life on and beyond the college campus. 

A Private Education is Within Reach 

Lakeside Christian School is an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL. Through our scholarship programs and willingness to work with parents, we are uniquely capable of offering Clearwater families a gateway to a higher standard of education. A private Christian education is well within reach for your child. Schedule a new parent tour today and see why we’re one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Everything Parents Should Know About Florida’s New “Family Empowerment Scholarship” Part 1

On May 9th, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida signed a bill into law that will afford parents more freedom in school selection through an all-new, state-funded voucher program. This legislation creates an exciting opportunity for parents who want greater autonomy over their children’s academic future.

The official signing took place at William A. Kirlew Junior Academy in Miami Gardens. Before an exuberant crowd, DeSantis spoke about the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES), which will help terminate a Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship waiting list that currently contains 13,000 families.

“I personally believe as a matter of principle and philosophy that parents know what’s best for their kids, they know the right environment, and that if you empower parents regardless of income that the parents ultimately can make the best decision,” DeSantis said.

For parents, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of Florida’s increasingly choice-friendly education system. Whether you’re looking for an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, with a proven track record of student success, or you have an older child who wants to finish high school in a new setting, Lakeside Christian School provides students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s world.

The Family Empowerment Scholarship

The FES will help facilitate a broader school choice initiative serving 18,000 students in year one, followed by another 7,000 students in the coming years. Unlike the FTC Scholarship, which relies on corporate contributions, the FES will gain funding from the Florida Education Finance Program.

In the Tampa Bay area, this will allow more parents to enroll their children in one of the private schools in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School. Many families want the option to provide their children with an education that helps them grow academically, socially, and spiritually, and the FES is designed to support this endeavor.

More Opportunity for Low-Income Families

One recent study conducted by the Urban Institute indicated that low-income FTC students had a 43 percent greater probability of enrolling in four-year colleges than their public school peers. In addition, the study showed that they were 20 percent more likely to actually earn bachelor’s degrees. Figures like this help justify the existence of the FTC Scholarship’s extensive waiting list, but the FES will do away with this list altogether.

According to DeSantis, the primary goal of the FES is to offer “more opportunity for thousands and thousands of low-income families here in the state of Florida,” which is why this new scholarship initiative is viewed as a “big, big deal” in the eyes of parents, students, and legislators.

In part two of this two-part series, we’ll cover some additional perspectives on this new law and explain why choice matters for your children’s education.

If you would like to learn more about scholarship opportunities at Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How Private Schools Improve College Readiness Part 1

Several studies within the last decade support the fact that students that attend private schools are more prepared to take on college coursework. Furthermore, they are more likely to graduate with a four-year degree. In this two-part article, we will discuss relevant data compiled from several studies on this topic. We will also discuss many of the benefits of enrolling your children in one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.

At Lakeside Christian School, we offer a highly comprehensive college preparation program that provides elementary, middle school, and high school students with core academic preparation, daily tutoring sessions, homework assistance, and small class sizes that focus on the individual needs of each and every student.

Private Schools are Preferred by Parents

There are several reasons to enroll your child in a private school that benefit both your child and your family as a whole. Not only will private school students receive a first-class education, but studies also support that their parents are generally more satisfied with private school facilities, teachers, and overall standards.

According to data compiled by a 2012 study performed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), private school parents reportedly give high marks in the following areas:

  • Communication: Private school administrators successfully initiate more effective communication practices with parents. This includes parent-teacher conferences, emailing or calling parents, among other means of communication.
  • Workload: Parents are more satisfied with an improved student/teacher ratio and a more challenging course curriculum to prepare their child for college coursework. Parents also generally feel their children are required to accomplish the right amount of homework at a private school.
  • Higher Learning: Private schools meet parents’ expectations in regard to specific educational attainment levels. Whether it’s influential teachers, tutoring programs, or higher scores on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT, there are many benefits to a private school education system.
  • Community: Parents are more likely to participate in various school-related activities at a private school including fundraisers, conferences, board meetings, in-school events, volunteer opportunities, and other extracurricular events.

Religious Schools Have a Tremendous Graduation Rate

Some studies show that private school students are more likely to obtain a high school diploma, attend a four-year college, and earn a bachelor’s degree. According to data compiled by NCES over a two-year period that began in 2002, 97.2 percent of religious high school sophomores went on to graduate in the summer of 2004 compared to 84.1 percent of public high school sophomores. Similarly, 76.2 percent of these religious high school sophomores were in their second year of college in 2006; whereas, 40.5 percent of public high school students were attending college in the study.

Although the above data was compiled from a study over a decade ago, as we will discuss in the next part of this article, many recent studies released by the SAT and ACT support the idea that private schools meet or surpass benchmark expectations for these standardized tests and better prepare students for their college coursework.    

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Practical Strategies for Saving Money for Tuition

Private school tuition can be expensive, but parents shouldn’t give up as soon as they see a high price tag. All private schools are different, as are their respective tuition costs. By utilizing practical money-saving strategies, nearly anyone can send their child to an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School. Here are a few suggestions to help you save money so that you can provide your child with access to the type of education that builds the leaders of tomorrow.

Budget for the Important Things in Life

Your child’s education should always be one of your main priorities. Not only is education important for their social and emotional development, it’s also an investment in their future and helps guarantee that they will be successful. Therefore, it’s imperative that you budget for the important things in life that will help your family prosper. Besides your child’s education, other examples include healthy foods, hobbies and activities, and medical care. Nonessential expenses like eating out, expensive entertainment, and ill-advised vacations should be handled with the utmost caution.

Mitigate Financial Stress with a Payment Plan

When you try to take on tuition as a lump sum, it can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. Fortunately, some private schools offer payment plans to help make the price of tuition more manageable. A monthly payment plan is vastly preferred to a lump sum and helps improve your ability to maintain a budget on a monthly basis. When you know exactly how much you need to set aside for the essentials, as we mentioned in the last paragraph, it makes living comfortably and supporting your child’s education that much easier.

Apply for Scholarships

Private scholarships, like those offered by Step Up For Students, help more students gain access to private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL. That’s right, scholarships aren’t just for college students, and you can apply for some of Step Up For Student’s offerings as early as elementary school. For example, at Lakeside Christian School, many students are the recipients of scholarships like the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship, Gardiner Scholarship, and Reading Scholarship. Each of these scholarships has unique eligibility requirements to assist a range of students with different needs.     

Play the Long Game

When your child exhibits academic excellence at a young age, they’re more likely to gain favor for college scholarships. In other words, investing in your child’s education today could result in huge savings in the future. When your child’s academic resume includes a premier private school, like Lakeside Christian School, they will be in a superior position to acquire scholarships that can greatly reduce the rising price of college tuition.

Are you interested in enrolling your child in one of the private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL? Don’t let your preconceived notions about the high price of private school tuition dissuade you from giving your child the best education possible. Utilize these practical strategies for saving money to help make private education a reality for your child.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a premier, affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Can I Afford Private Education for My Child?

The cost of providing your child with the best possible education for their needs can be lofty. The average price of tuition for elementary and post secondary private education has risen steadily over the years, but almost anyone can afford to send their child to private school if they plan diligently, consider seeking financial help, and enroll their child in a school that works with them to ensure their child’s future is bright. Don’t let preconceived notions dissuade you from providing your child with the opportunity to learn and grow in one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL. You can afford private education for your child!

Step Up For Students Scholarships

One of the best ways to minimize the cost of private education is to enroll your child in an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, that supports Step Up For Students scholarships. These scholarships include the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship, Gardiner Scholarship, Hope Scholarship, and Reading Scholarship.

More so than the others, which are qualification-based scholarships, the FTC Scholarship is a valuable tool for helping low-income families afford private school. It provides parents with the financial assistance necessary to enable them to enroll their child in a private school. Over 680,000 FTC Scholarships have been awarded since 2002. The FTC Scholarship has been a blessing for low-income families with children in grades kindergarten through 12th.

By enrolling your child in a Step Up For Students participating school, such as Lakeside Christian School in Clearwater, you and your child benefit from the support on an organization that “empowers parents to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children, with an emphasis on families who lack the financial resources to access these options.”

Request a Payment Plan

If you can’t afford to make a lump sum payment for you child’s tuition, you can request a payment plan to help ease the financial burden of paying for your child’s education. When you are searching for the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, it’s always a good idea to inquire about policies for payment plans as well as the fees for overdue payments to see if you’re ready to shoulder these costs.

Plan Ahead

It’s easy to underestimate the power of planning ahead and budgeting for your child’s future. If you’re on the verge of being able to afford private education for your child, take time to brainstorm some cost-cutting strategies. Reflect on the state of your debts, mortgage payments, monthly expenses, and more. You can cut costs by minimizing how often you eat out, buying groceries and toiletries in bulk, spending less money on entertainment, and driving less. You can save hundreds of dollars a month by committing to a budget that trims out miscellaneous spending.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How Does a Small School Setting Help My Child Succeed?

Parents are faced with a plethora of decisions when selecting the right education for their child. Of course, parents must first decide whether they want their children to learn in a public or private setting, but there are many other considerations as well, especially when a parent opts to put their child on the private school track.

Every private school is distinct. Some private schools have thousands of students while others have hundreds or less. As a parent, it’s important to acknowledge that the size of a school can have a substantial effect on your child’s education. In many cases, parents find that their child can benefit from a small school setting that affords students more one-on-one time with their teachers.

Are you looking to enroll your child in one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL? The students at Lakeside Christian School benefit from a highly focused, small school setting featuring teachers dedicated to student success who take pleasure in helping children achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals.

More Opportunities for Inspiration

Private schools that have embraced a small school setting typically allow students to engage with their teachers on a more personal level. In other words, students gain valuable one-on-one time that simply can’t be facilitated by schools with comparably larger class sizes. When your child has the ability to communicate with teachers directly, they can ask more questions and get hands-on assistance working through the problems they find the most challenging. The teacher also benefits from the chance to learn more about your child and develop a curriculum to maximize their academic success.

Close-knit Community Learning

In a small school setting, your child will feel a stronger sense of community. They are less likely to feel lost in the crowd and will build closer relationships with faculty, staff, and students. When your child has the opportunity to build strong relationships, they are more likely to succeed as they work together with others to work through problems. Outside of school, these relationships often blossom into lifelong friendships. Also, a close-knit community can help boost student confidence while encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas more openly. Your child is attending school to obtain a high quality education, but they are also there to develop socially. In a small school setting, they can benefit from both.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

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