5 Advantages of Enrolling Your Children in Private Elementary Schools

When your children have officially reached the age to begin school, you will be forced to decide the best course for them moving forward. Certainly, you want the best possible education for your child, but you also want them to develop socially, emotionally, and physically, too.

Choosing between public and private school can be a difficult decision, but evidence suggests that many children will receive a superior education in a private school setting, especially in the elementary age bracket. In fact, many public school teachers enroll their children at private schools. If you are deciding between public and private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, consider these seven advantages of enrolling your children in a Clearwater private school.

Smaller Class Sizes

Private schools typically have much smaller class sizes. This provides your children with more one-on-one time with their teacher(s), which allows these educators to identify every child’s strengths and weaknesses more accurately. They can then use this information to tailor their teaching methods to every child’s specific needs.

Emphasizing the Arts

Art programs in public schools have been under attack by lawmakers for years. By comparison, private schools are allowed to institute art-related classes at will. Whether it’s acting in a play, performing in a musical, painting a picture for an art exhibit, or participating in a talent show, the arts are alive and well in private schools.

Advancing Learning with Technology

The comparatively larger technology budgets at private schools give students a significant advantage over their peers in public schools. In many private schools, students have access to laptops or tablets for personal use. Plus, private schools can invest in superior internet service and afford to employ technology experts to ensure that all devices receive proper maintenance throughout the year.

Healthy Food for Happy Students

At many private schools, the tuition includes access to healthy foods. Public schools are notorious for providing students with lackluster foods with insufficient nutritional value. Conversely, private schools often account for vegan diets, food allergies, and other dietary sensitivities. Plus, private schools typically offer an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables to keep students healthy.

Flexible Curriculum Designed for Student Success

Private schools are especially notable for providing parents and their children with diverse options tailored to their specific learning and situational needs. 

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Private Elementary Schools in Clearwater FL

As a parent, nothing is more important to you than your child’s well being, and a large part of that includes their education. Both in their day-to-day lives and in regard to their future, your child’s school is one of the most important decisions you make for him or her. If you are looking for an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, we invite you to learn more about LCS and our participation in the Step Up For Students scholarship funding program.

An Affordable Private Elementary School in Clearwater, FL

You are deeply invested in your child’s happiness and development. However, most American families cannot afford the financial investment associated with private school education. This is why we are proud to be a Step Up participating school!

Step Up is a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships to children. There are four different scholarships for which your child may qualify:

  1. Lower-income families may qualify for The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC)
  2. Unique abilities (special needs) students may qualify for The Gardiner Scholarship
  3. Public school students who have been victims of violence or bullying may qualify for The Hope Scholarship
  4. Third through fifth graders who currently struggle with learning to read may qualify for The Reading Scholarship Accounts


We believe partnering with the Step Up program is one of the most important things we do. Any child who would thrive in a small private school environment should be able to attend, regardless of whether they are in the small percentage of families who can afford private school in addition to all the other expenses that come with raising a child.

The Bridge to Your Child’s Future

In order for a child to have a successful future, they must be prepared for college. According to a study by Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, bachelor’s degree holders earn 31 percent more than Associate’s degree holders, and 84 percent more than those with just a high school diploma.

Though career happiness is determined by far more than just one’s income, it is important to give your child the chance at getting into (and graduating from) a great college. This is one of the many reasons LCS can make such a powerful impact on your child’s life. Our personalized academics include small class sizes, the finest educational technology, and brand new textbooks. We are proud to say our amazing students have achieved a 100% graduation rate!

At Lakeside Christian School, we instill the principles of friendship, fellowship, hard work, kindness, and service. Our most heartfelt goal is that we prepare each student for his or her dream career and a stable, fulfilling future.

Want To Know More?

We are proud of our learning community and we don’t just want to tell you more; we want to show you more!

LCS offers 1-on-1 tours during school hours, so you can take a genuine, in-action peek at our school. To schedule a visit or ask us any questions, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or fill out this form.

Setting a Foundation Through Faith-Based Learning

At Lakeside Christian School, we believe in the power of faith-based learning to set a strong foundation for students. Our approach integrates academic excellence with spiritual growth, creating an environment where children shine both intellectually and spiritually. As one of the top private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded students who are prepared to face life’s challenges with confidence and grace.

The Importance of Faith-Based Learning

Faith-based learning goes beyond traditional education by embedding spiritual values and principles into the curriculum. At our Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, students learn to view the world through the lens of the Bible, helping them develop a strong faith and a reliance on Jesus as their savior and Lord.

Academic Excellence and Spiritual Growth

Our curriculum is designed to challenge students academically while fostering their spiritual growth. We offer a comprehensive education that includes core subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies, all taught from a Christian perspective by Christian educators. This approach ensures that students receive an education that prepares them for future academic success and instills in them Biblical values and a heart for serving others.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Faith-based learning encourages students to think critically about the world around them. By integrating biblical principles into everyday learning, students are taught to question, analyze, and reflect on their beliefs and the information they encounter. This critical thinking skill is essential for academic success and faith development.

Building a Strong Moral Foundation

One of the key benefits of faith-based learning is the development of a strong moral foundation. At Lakeside Christian School, we emphasize the importance of character education, teaching students to live out their faith in practical ways. Through daily Bible classes, weekly chapel services, and prayer, students learn about the Creator and His purpose for their lives.

Teacher-Student Relationships

Our dedicated, Christian teachers are committed to building strong relationships with their students. By providing individualized attention and support, teachers can better understand each student’s unique needs and strengths. This personalized approach helps students feel valued and motivated to achieve their best.

Integrating Faith into Daily Activities

Faith-based learning at Lakeside Christian School is not limited to the classroom. We integrate faith into all aspects of school life, ensuring that students have ample opportunities to grow spiritually.

Daily Devotions and Prayer

Each class period begins with a time of prayer and sometimes short devotions, allowing students to start their day with a focus on their faith. This daily practice helps students develop a habit of seeking God’s guidance and wisdom in all areas of their lives.

Bible Study and Scripture Memorization

Bible study is an integral part of our curriculum, providing students with a deep understanding of God’s Word. Through regular scripture memorization in their Bible classes, students learn to internalize biblical truths, helping them apply these principles to their daily lives.

The Long-Term Benefits of Faith-Based Learning

The benefits of faith-based learning extend far beyond the elementary years. By setting a strong foundation through faith-based education, students are better prepared for the challenges of middle school, high school, and beyond.

Academic Success

Research conducted by professor of education William Jeynes at California State University at Long Beach shows that students who attend faith-based schools often perform better academically than their peers in non-religious schools, often “a full year ahead of students who attend public and charter schools.” The rigorous academic standards, combined with a supportive and nurturing faith-based environment, help students achieve their full potential.

Strong Character and Values

Students who receive a faith-based education are also more likely to develop strong character and values. These students are often more resilient, compassionate, and ethical, making them well-equipped to navigate the complexities of modern life.

Lifelong Faith

The most significant benefit of faith-based learning, and the hoped for outcome for all students attending Lakeside Christian School, is the development of a lifelong faith. By integrating faith into all aspects of education, students learn to rely on their faith in all areas of their lives. This strong spiritual foundation provides them with hope for their future, a life purpose and direction, helping them lead fulfilling and meaningful lives that glorify the Lord.

Discover the Difference at Lakeside Christian School

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. At Lakeside Christian School, we are committed to providing a high-quality, faith-based education that sets students on a path to success. As one of the premier private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, we invite you to discover the difference a faith-based education can make.

If you are interested in learning more about our programs and how we can support your child’s academic and spiritual growth, we encourage you to schedule a tour of our campus. Come see firsthand the supportive and nurturing environment that makes Lakeside Christian School a place where students thrive. Contact us today to schedule your visit and take the first step in providing your child with a foundation of faith and academic excellence.

To schedule a tour of our campus or to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian elementary schools schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now.

Community and Connection: The Cornerstones of Parent Involvement

Choosing the right elementary school is a pivotal decision for parents in Clearwater, FL, and Lakeside Christian School, a Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, offers a compelling option in the landscape of private elementary schools. More than an educational institution, Lakeside Christian School is a community rooted in Christian values, providing a unique and enriching experience for young learners. As one of the premier private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School thrives on fostering not just a student body but a closely-knit community where parent involvement is celebrated and cherished. In this exploration, we delve into the pivotal role of community and connection, unveiling the profound importance of parent involvement in the educational journey.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging

At Lakeside Christian School, a Christian elementary school in Clearwater FL, the importance of community transcends the conventional boundaries of an educational institution. It is a dynamic ecosystem where parents, educators, and students collaborate to create an environment beyond academics—a place where a sense of belonging is instilled in every family. The school’s commitment to fostering a sense of community is reflected in various initiatives designed to bring parents into the educational fold. From open-house events that welcome parents into the classrooms to mom prayer groups and Saturday elementary athletics, Lakeside Christian School actively works to create an inclusive atmosphere where every parent feels valued and connected.

Furthermore, as a private elementary school in Clearwater Florida, Lakeside understands the significance of forging strong teacher-parent partnerships. Regular communication channels, such as newsletters, emails, and a dedicated online parent portal, ensure that parents are well-informed about their child’s academic progress, upcoming events, and school initiatives. This deliberate effort to keep parents in the loop establishes a foundation of trust and transparency, fostering a collaborative relationship that extends far beyond the classroom. Lakeside Christian School sets the stage for meaningful parent involvement that goes beyond traditional boundaries by creating an environment where parents feel a genuine sense of belonging.

The Impact of Parent Involvement

Research consistently underscores the positive impact of parent involvement on a child’s academic performance and overall well-being. Lakeside Christian School recognizes this correlation and actively promotes avenues for parents to participate meaningfully in their child’s educational journey. The benefits are manifold, ranging from improved academic outcomes and enhanced social skills to increased motivation and a more positive attitude toward learning. According to a 2023 article by Libby Stanford from Education Week, countless studies conducted globally over the years consistently reinforce the notion that parents’ active involvement in their child’s education yields significant benefits. From participating in parent-teacher conferences to joining parent-teacher organizations and engaging in at-home discussions about school, the research underscores the positive correlation between parent involvement and heightened student achievement. This extends beyond the academic realm, with better social-emotional outcomes being another notable outcome. As we explore the integral role of parent involvement at Lakeside Christian School, a Christian elementary school in Clearwater Florida, we align with a wealth of research affirming the far-reaching impact that engaged parents can have on their child’s educational journey.

Active involvement in a child’s education is not confined to the classroom; it extends to various facets of school life. Lakeside encourages parents to attend school events, from sports competitions to art exhibitions, creating opportunities for shared experiences and creating lasting memories. These events serve as platforms for parents to actively engage with their child’s school life, strengthening the bond between home and school. The impact of this involvement is profound, as students witness firsthand the collaborative effort invested by both their parents and educators in shaping their educational experience. The positive ripple effect of parent involvement is evident not only in academic achievements but also in the development of essential life skills, such as effective communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Parental involvement at home “to create an environment of learning and supporting learning” as well as visiting the library and reading with young learners has an even larger positive impact on a child’s academic success, according to a 2019 American Psychological Association study cited in Education Week.

Building Lasting Connections

Parents at Lakeside Christian School are not passive spectators; they are active partners in the educational process. Parents play a vital role in shaping the educational experience. This active involvement creates a bridge between home and school, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where the child’s growth is nurtured holistically.

Beyond the academic realm, Lakeside Christian School, a premier private school in Clearwater Fl, places a premium on building lasting connections within its community. The school becomes a platform where parents forge meaningful relationships with each other, creating a support network that extends beyond the school gates. These connections enhance the overall experience for both parents and students, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Lakeside Difference: A Community United

Lakeside Christian School’s commitment to community and connection is what sets it apart as one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL. The school doesn’t just focus on individual academic achievements; it emphasizes the collective growth of the Lakeside family. Parent involvement is not a mere checkbox; it is a vibrant thread that weaves together the rich tapestry of Lakeside’s educational journey.

Parent involvement becomes a cornerstone in nurturing a child’s holistic development. Lakeside Christian School’s approach goes beyond the conventional parent-teacher dynamic; it emphasizes the importance of a collective effort in shaping future leaders within its walls. In creating an environment where parents actively contribute to the educational journey, Lakeside fosters a sense of shared responsibility and pride in the school community.

In essence, Lakeside Christian School recognizes that parent involvement is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond occasional participation. It is a continuous and dynamic partnership that contributes significantly to a child’s growth. By recognizing and celebrating the impact of parents in the educational equation, Lakeside Christian School sets a powerful precedent for private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that defines its educational philosophy.

To schedule a tour of our campus or to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now.

Empowering Safety: the Guardian Program and Private Schools Ensuring Secure Learning Environments

In an era where safety and security are paramount concerns, Lakeside Christian School stands committed to providing a secure learning environment for students at every stage of their educational journey—whether in Christian elementary, middle, or high school. The evolving landscape of education necessitates a comprehensive approach to safeguarding the well-being of students, faculty, and staff, and Lakeside recognizes this imperative. In response to the dynamic challenges of the times, the school has taken a proactive stance by incorporating its first dedicated School Safety Officer (SSO), certified through the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Guardian Program.

This strategic move not only underscores Lakeside’s dedication to safety but also aligns with the broader educational community’s collective responsibility to ensure that each private Christian institution becomes a sanctuary of learning, shielded by robust safety and security measures. The infusion of the Guardian Program into Lakeside’s safety protocols marks a transformative step in fortifying the heart of Christian education. As the school continues to prioritize safety and security, this initiative exemplifies Lakeside’s commitment to fostering an environment where students can thrive academically, spiritually, and socially, free from concerns about their well-being.

Guardian Program’s Genesis: A Response to Tragedy

The Guardian Program, initiated in 2018 through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, emerged as a direct response to the tragic events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14th, 2018. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission underscored the critical need for highly trained personnel in schools to respond immediately in the event of a school shooting.

As subsequent legislative sessions unfolded, the Guardian Program underwent expansions, encompassing Class D and G licensed security guards and school district or charter school employees volunteering to participate. State funds were allocated to participating Sheriff’s offices, covering screening and training costs for each school district or charter school guardian. Additionally, district and charter school employees received a one-time stipend of $500 for their service in the program.

House Bill 543: Expanding Protection to Christian Schools

In a legislative shift in 2023, House Bill 543 extended the Guardian Program’s reach, allowing private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL, including Lakeside Christian School, to participate. While these schools are responsible for covering all training costs, the extension emphasizes the universal recognition of the importance of security measures in all educational institutions.

The commitment to safety now extends beyond public schools, embracing private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL, and reflecting Lakeside’s dedication to providing a secure environment for Christian elementary, middle, and high school students in Clearwater, FL. Lakeside Christian School has taken a proactive approach, training and employing a dedicated School Safety Officer through the Guardian Program.

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Guardian Training: A Comprehensive Approach

The Guardian Training provided by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office is a linchpin of the Guardian Program, ensuring that those entrusted with the safety of Christian elementary, middle, and high school campuses undergo comprehensive and rigorous preparation. This program instigated in response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act involves the hiring of armed guardians who complete a minimum of 132 hours of comprehensive firearm safety and proficiency training.

The training spans a wide array of critical skills, including psychological evaluations, drug tests, and certified diversity training. The Pinellas County School Board’s decision to participate in the Guardian Program led to the hiring of nearly 90 guardians who underwent an extensive five-week, 176-hour training program developed by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) Training Division.

Unique Roles and Limitations of Guardians in Christian Schools

While guardians share the overarching goal of keeping students, teachers, and faculty safe with law-enforcement-certified school resource officers, there are distinctive roles and limitations. Armed with a handgun, body armor, and a flashlight, guardians do not possess arrest powers or the authority to detain, interrogate, or question subjects. Furthermore, they lack patrol vehicles, handcuffs, police radios, or secondary weaponry.

Nontheless, for Christian elementary, middle, and high schools, guardians play a crucial role in enhancing the overall security infrastructure. They provide an additional layer of protection that complements existing safety measures. At Lakeside Christian School, the presence of a dedicated School Safety Officer through the Guardian Program underscores the commitment to safeguarding the entire school community.

Conclusion: Unifying Safety Measures for a Holistic Education

The extension of the Guardian Program to private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL signifies a momentous step toward creating safer educational environments for all K-12 students. Lakeside Christian School, through its active participation in this program, exemplifies a commitment to the safety and well-being of Christian elementary, middle, and high school students in Clearwater, FL. As the Guardian Program evolves and includes private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL institutions, Lakeside contributes to a collective effort ensuring that every Christian educational institution remains a secure haven for learning, growth, and spiritual development.

For more information on the Guardian Program and its impact on school safety, visit the Florida Department of Education website. To learn about Lakeside Christian School’s commitment to safety and its various programs, please visit its official website. For details on the Guardian Program’s implementation in Pinellas County and additional safety resources, explore the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office website.

To learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FLcontact us now.

5 Ways Private School Prepares Students for College and Beyond

Preparing for the “real world” is the goal of every school, but for some parents the focus on college preparation is the most important consideration when choosing the right school path for their children. Although public school provides excellent opportunities for many students, a private school education may give students an advantage. In fact, in 2019 only 7 percent of high school students attended private high schools in the United States, but at some of the more selective colleges, a third to half of the freshman classes are composed of students who graduated from a private high school, according to Census Bureau data.


To give a few unique examples of how private school prepares students for college and beyond, the team at Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL, weighs in.


Close Guidance from a Counselor

Private schools often have fewer students, which means a greater focus on each individual student’s success. But this focus doesn’t end in the classroom. In a Clearwater, FL Christian school, students will be more closely guided by all of the staff including the principal, assistant principal, faculty, staff, and guidance counselors.


This close guidance from counselors, teachers, and staff can help direct students to the path that is the best fit for them. College is not one-size-fits-all, and having counselors who personally know each student and who are able to provide the best advice and guidance for each individual can help prepare kids early on for their futures.


Challenging Courses to Prepare for College


One of the major challenges in preparing for college is getting students to understand how challenging college courses can be. For students who have become complacent in lesson plans provided by public schools, a private school may offer a new challenge in coursework and course load that will better prepare them for life after high school.



For example, in a private high school in Clearwater, FL, students can expect a variety of college level courses in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) along with higher level reading and writing courses. This will help them prepare for the challenging coursework of college while also helping them learn in a way that does not emphasize state-required repeated testing.


Focused Coursework for College and Career Prep


We previously touched on the challenging coursework that better prepares students for the level they will be expected to learn in college, but it is also important to mention the focused college and career prep courses in private school that are often not available in public school. For example, some public school students may need to hire a tutor for college prep courses, which takes place outside of school time. However, in Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL, students will be able to take college prep and career prep courses during their school days. This is also combined with the faith-based learning that many students have found empowers them in many areas of their lives.


Smaller Peer Groups and Class Sizes


One of the biggest factors in choosing a school, especially a private school, is the difference in class size. On average, the class size in public schools is around 25 kids, compared to 19 kids per class in private schools according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Private schools reportedly also have a better student-to-teacher ratio of 12.2 students, compared to 16.1 students per teacher in public schools.


This comes back to the importance of individual attention. When a student is required to fight for attention or made to learn in a way that is not helpful to who they are as an individual, they may not grow to reach their full potential. But, when their instructors can spend the extra time helping them learn, tailor their teaching approach to how each student learns, and create an environment of community in the classroom, the benefits are numerous.


Furthermore, smaller peer groups, like the ones a student will build in college, will create an environment that fosters growth, support, and community that can last a lifetime. This will help your child learn important social skills that they can take with them for the rest of their lives, to college, career, and beyond.

Flexible Curriculums


When schools are privately funded, they are able to expand the curriculum beyond what publicly funded schools are able to do. Of course, private schools must meet the criteria set by the state as far as minimums for passing are concerned, but that is where the state’s involvement stops. Instead, private schools can offer flexible, expanded curriculums that go far beyond what you might learn in a public setting. This means incorporating the more challenging coursework mentioned above, as well as the college and career-prep mentioned above — but beyond that, it means that if a student is excelling in one particular area, or if a group of students are able to excel in that area, the curriculum can be more tailored to cover those areas.


If you are hoping to give your child an education that will take them beyond high school, Lakeside Christian School should be at the top of your list. Lakeside Christian School is Clearwater, FL’s best private school, which gives students all of the tools they need to succeed. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Which Students Do Well in a Private School Setting?

When deciding which school setting is right for their child, parents have a difficult choice to make: should my child attend a private or public school? Many parents struggle to decide which setting would foster the most growth within their child. They think, a private school has many benefits, but will MY child benefit from them? Below, we discuss which students do well at private schools in Clearwater, FL, to help parents make the right choice for their child’s future. 


Students That Are Falling Behind

It’s no secret that students are getting lost in the shuffle of public school. Large class sizes, overburdened teachers, and an overwhelming population cannot possibly facilitate the growth of each and every student. Private schools consider your child as more than a single test score to be administered at the end of the course. For example, At Lakeside Christian Elementary School, we use individual student data to inform daily instruction, eliminate academic gaps, and ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. 


Shy and Quiet Students 

Students in public schools are at risk of falling behind socially as well as academically. Public school students aren’t developing the social skills needed to succeed in college and beyond. How can they when the average city’s public school size is well over 500 students? If your child is quiet or shy, there’s nothing wrong with them; they just need the attention that only a private education can afford. Our dedicated team of professional educators can ensure that your child finds their voice and confidence in a world that increasingly demands both from graduating students. 


Athletic Students

If you think that private schools in Clearwater, FL, can’t compete with public school students when it comes to athletics, think again. Athletics are an important opportunity to teach life lessons and instill values that will stay with students for the rest of their lives. At Lakeside Christian School, we offer a variety of sports for all grade ranges. We also hold athletic membership with the Florida High School Athletics Association (FHSAA) and the Sunshine Athletic Conference. As one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, we offer the following sports:



Cross Country

Coed Soccer





Coed Baseball






Coed Flag Football

Coed Volleyball

Coed Basketball


All Students

With small class sizes, a focus on research-based best practices, and a slew of athletic offerings, private schools in Clearwater, FL, can help bring out the bright young learner that is within every child. Let it be known that all students can succeed in a private school setting. 

At Lakeside Christian School, we serve grades K-12 and welcome students from all backgrounds. If you have a student that you believe would thrive in a private school setting, schedule a tour and see why Lakeside Christian School is one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How Private Schools Improve College Readiness Part 2

In this two-part article, we are discussing data compiled by national education organizations regarding the high rate of success of private schools at preparing students for college criteria. Although a high school education is extremely important, college readiness actually begins well before high school. The most critical years for learning development are from Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

At Lakeside Christian School, we provide educational programs for elementary school, middle school, and high school. If you are interested in learning more about how your children can achieve academic excellence at a Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please contact a school representative today.   

Take Advantage of the Benefits a Private School Has to Offer

As we discussed in the first part of this article, there are several benefits to enrolling your children in a private school setting including:

  • Along with having the option to choose your child’s school, parents prefer the academic standards, dedicated teaching staff, and excellent resources of a private institution.
  • A private school can provide students with an excellent learning environment including an improved student/teacher ratio. The students are also more likely to achieve their academic goals in both high school and at a four-year college.

There’s also statistical evidence that showcases that a private school curriculum can help students prepare and excel at standardized testing.

Private School Students Surpass Standardized Testing Benchmarks

There are a number of recent studies that support that private school students either meet or exceed the benchmark scores for several important standardized tests. In a 2016 study of the College Board’s SAT assessment, private school students greatly surpassed the national mean score for the most common collegiate standardized test. Similarly, according to data compiled by American College Testing (ACT), private school students performed exceptionally well in their 2012 assessment. If you are interested in learning more about these studies or reviewing other studies related to private school success rates, please visit the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) website.  

Whether it’s a better academic learning environment, improved student/teacher ratio, more challenging curriculum, daily tutoring opportunities, or other excellent resources to cultivate your child’s academic preparation, Lakeside Christian School is committed to providing students with the opportunity to achieve academic excellence.

If you would like to learn more about a prestigious Clearwater, FL, Christian school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Keeping the Faith: Summer Strategies for Spiritual and Academic Growth

Summer break is a fantastic time for students to relax and recharge, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for them to continue growing both academically and spiritually. At Lakeside Christian School, we believe in the importance of maintaining a balance between faith and learning, even during the summer months. As one of the best private schools in Clearwater, Fl, and a leader among Christian schools in Clearwater, Fl, we offer some valuable strategies to help students of all ages keep their faith and learning thriving over the summer.


For Elementary School Students

1. Faith-Based Reading Lists: 

Encourage your young learners to dive into books that not only captivate their imaginations but also reinforce their faith. Choose stories with Christian themes, such as tales of biblical heroes or books that teach moral lessons grounded in scripture. By integrating faith-based reading into their daily routine, children can enhance their reading skills while deepening their understanding of Christian values. Recommended summer reading lists curated by our Lakeside elementary teachers for K-5 students along with other summer recommended activities and ideas can be found here.

2. Daily Devotionals: 

Establish a routine of morning or evening family devotionals. These can be short, simple readings from a children’s Bible or devotional book, followed by a discussion about the day’s lesson. This practice helps instill a habit of seeking God’s guidance and reflecting on His Word daily. We highly recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible for younger elementary students and the Action Bible for grades 3-6.

3. Educational Christian Apps and Games: 

There are many educational apps and games designed specifically for Christian school children. These tools can help keep young minds engaged with fun activities that incorporate biblical lessons and educational content. Look for apps that focus on Bible stories, Christian songs, and interactive learning games. Go For Kids has a great list of Christian apps and games for kids which you can find here.

4. Family Prayer Time: 

Set aside time each day for family prayer. This can be a special moment where everyone shares their thoughts, gives thanks, and prays for God’s guidance and protection. Family prayer time reinforces the importance of faith in daily life and strengthens family bonds.


For Middle School Students

1.Youth Groups:

Encourage middle schoolers to join their church’s youth group and middle school Bible Study classes. Many churches also offer summer activities for teens to hang out together in safe environments and to grow in their faith. Group studies can help students delve deeper into the Bible, share insights, and grow in their faith together. They can tackle topics relevant to their age group, such as peer pressure, identity in Christ, and making wise choices. If your church doesn’t offer middle school groups or studies, we invite you to check out the youth group at Lakeside Community Chapel; the group meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm and also offers Bible study small groups for middle school boys and middle school girls at 5 pm on Wednesdays. Call the church office at 727-441-1714 for more information.

2. Volunteer and Service Projects: 

Summer is a great time for private middle school students to engage in community service. Organize or participate in service projects through your church or community organizations. Activities like helping at a food bank, participating in a local clean-up, or visiting nursing homes can teach students the value of serving others and living out their faith in practical ways.

3. Faith and Science Exploration: 

Combine learning and faith by exploring the wonders of God’s creation. Encourage students to study nature, conduct science experiments, and learn about the world from a Christian perspective. Discuss how scientific discoveries align with biblical truths and the marvels of God’s design. Need help finding science activities? Education Corner’s website has 40 different experiments middle schoolers can do at home.

4. Journaling: 

Encourage students to keep a journal where they can reflect on their daily experiences, prayers, and scripture readings. Journaling helps them process their thoughts, deepen their relationship with God, and track their spiritual growth over the summer.


For High School Students

1. Summer Courses and Online Learning: 

High school students can take advantage of online courses to get ahead academically. Look for courses that align with their interests and academic goals, including those that offer a Christian perspective. These courses can help them stay academically engaged and prepare for the upcoming school year. Looking for a summer course for your high schooler? There are many you can find online just by searching or contact Principal Crane at 727-461-33311 ext 312 for personalized recommendations for your Lakeside Christian School student.

2. Youth Group Activities: 

Participate in church youth group activities or mission trips. These experiences can provide high school students with opportunities to serve others, grow in their faith, and build strong Christian friendships. Mission trips, in particular, can be transformative at this age, offering a chance to see faith in action and share the gospel with others outside of their local town. 

3. Bible Study Apps:

High school students can greatly benefit from Bible study apps on their phones that make engaging with scripture more accessible and interactive. We recommend the WordGo App created by Bible Study Fellowship, which can be downloaded from Google Play and the Apple Store. This app allows students to delve into individual daily Bible study or participate in small group studies with friends, providing a structured and enriching way to explore God’s Word anytime, anywhere. By incorporating technology into their Bible reading routine, students can maintain a consistent and meaningful connection with God’s Word throughout the summer.

4. Faith-Based Book Clubs: 

Organize or join a faith-based book club with Christian friends. Choose books that challenge and inspire, from classic Christian literature to contemporary faith-based novels. Book clubs foster discussion, critical thinking, and deeper understanding of Christian principles.

5. Christian Mentorship: 

Encourage high school students to find a trusted mentor within their church or youth group. A discipleship mentor can provide guidance, support, and encouragement, helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence and grow spiritually. Being mentored by someone with a strong faith can be incredibly impactful during these formative years.


Maintaining a balance between faith and learning during the summer is essential for students’ holistic development and preparation for the next school year. At Lakeside Christian School, we are committed to supporting our students’ growth in all areas of their lives. By incorporating these strategies, families can ensure their children continue to thrive academically and spiritually, making the most of their summer break.

If you’re looking for a school that prioritizes both academic excellence and spiritual growth, consider Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL. As a leading Christian school in Clearwater, FL, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and faith-filled environment for all our students. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your child’s educational journey.

To schedule a tour of our campus or to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now.

Integrating Faith and Learning: The Role of Scripture in our Curriculum

As a cornerstone of academic and spiritual growth, Lakeside Christian School, a Christian high school and middle school in Clearwater, FL, goes beyond traditional education by integrating faith and learning. Lakeside’s commitment extends beyond academics; it is built on the foundational biblical principles of loving God and loving others. This commitment is not just an educational philosophy; it’s a lived experience for every student. At the heart of this commitment lies the role of Scripture in our curriculum. In this blog post, we delve into the unique approach Lakeside Christian School takes in infusing the teachings of the Bible into every facet of education, creating a learning environment where faith is not a separate entity but an integral part of the educational journey.

Comprehensive Scriptural Integration Across Subjects

Lakeside Christian School, serving as both a Christian high school and middle school in Clearwater, FL, weaves the teachings of the Bible into every facet of education. From mathematics to literature, students experience a curriculum where the Bible is not merely an accessory but an integral part of their academic journey. This comprehensive integration provides students with more than just knowledge; it offers a deep understanding of their subjects in the context of biblical principles, fostering a holistic education that extends beyond textbooks.

Lakeside’s commitment to a biblical worldview extends beyond traditional subjects to critical areas like theology, hamartiology, and Christology. Students gain not only knowledge but the ability to differentiate between secular and biblical worldviews. The curriculum explores distinctions between evolutionary and biblical views of creation, ensuring students develop a solid foundation grounded in faith, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate their beliefs confidently. Lakeside Christian School uniquely integrates faith and academics, shaping a transformative educational experience for students in Clearwater, FL.

Spiritual Formation: A Guiding Mission

The transformative role of Scripture at Lakeside Christian School is deeply ingrained in its guiding mission. The school’s expected student outcomes reflect a profound journey towards spiritual maturity, where students not only comprehend the tenets of their faith but articulate them with conviction. Lakeside’s spiritual mission is clear — that all students would come to know, love, and honor the Lord Jesus Christ. This mission permeates every aspect of the educational experience, creating an environment where faith is not just a subject but a transformative force.

Spiritual formation at Lakeside is more than theoretical; it’s a daily reality. All elementary, middle school, and high school students engage in daily Bible classes, weekly chapel services, and experience their teachers’ commitment to teaching the Bible as the authoritative guide. Lakeside Christian School in Clearwater, Florida ensures that spiritual formation is not just about what students know but about how they engage with and apply biblical teachings in their lives.

Faith-Led Leadership and Service: Beyond the Classroom

The influence of Scripture at Lakeside Christian School goes beyond classrooms, shaping leaders and fostering a heart for service throughout this Christian high school in Clearwater, FL. The school’s expected student outcomes emphasize the development of leadership skills guided by biblical principles. Lakeside encourages students to explore their unique gifts and talents through leadership opportunities that exemplify servant leadership, grounded in humility, empathy, and a commitment to serving others.

Service to the community is not a checkbox on Lakeside’s agenda; it’s a fundamental expression of faith, reflecting the school’s commitment to making a positive impact in the world. The integration of Scripture into leadership development and service initiatives ensures that Lakeside graduates emerge not only as academically accomplished individuals but also as compassionate and servant-hearted leaders, ready to make a difference for the gospel in their communities.

Bible Classes: A Requirement for Middle and High School

In addition to the comprehensive integration of Scripture across subjects, Lakeside Christian School, a Christian middle school in Clearwater, Fl, takes a deliberate step in shaping spiritual growth. For students in middle school and high school, Bible classes are a requirement each year. These dedicated classes delve into deeper explorations of biblical teachings, providing a space for students to engage in meaningful discussions, reflections, and applications of their faith. This intentional structure ensures that as students progress through their middle and high school years, they continue to build upon their spiritual foundation, taking classes that cover both the Old and New Testaments.

Interactive Bible Time for Elementary Students

Recognizing the formative years of K-6 students, Lakeside takes a unique approach to Bible education using customized Bible lessons created by one of its staff members. Bible class time is integrated into their daily schedule, including interactive lessons that incorporate songs, small group activities, and hands-on experiences. The classroom environment is enhanced by Promethean ActivPanels, providing a dynamic platform for interactive and engaging learning. This approach ensures that even the youngest learners actively participate in the exploration of biblical principles, laying the groundwork for a Jesus-focused journey.

In conclusion, Lakeside Christian School’s commitment to integrating faith and learning is not an abstract philosophy but a dynamic reality that shapes every student’s educational journey. As a Christian high school and Christian middle school in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside provides more than an academic curriculum; it offers an environment where faith and knowledge coexist, creating a transformative experience. The role of Scripture, whether seamlessly integrated into daily activities or explored in dedicated classes, ensures that Lakeside graduates emerge not only academically prepared but also spiritually grounded, ready to navigate the complexities of the world with faith, compassion, and a commitment to following Jesus as Lord of their lives.

To learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best Clearwater FL Christian high schools and best Christian middle schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now.

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