Narrowing Down Your Choice of Private Christian Schools in Clearwater

The decision to send your child to a private school will have an incredible and long-lasting impact on their education and future. All that’s left is to pick a school. Should be easy, right? Not exactly. 

There are 101 private schools in Pinellas County, each offering their own unique take on education and many of which are in the City of Clearwater. Narrowing this down to a single choice will be no easy task for parents. In this brief article, we’re going to help you narrow down your options until you’re left with only the private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, that are right for your child. 

The Right Approach 

Narrowing down your school choices will be easy once you decide what type of school you want your child to attend. As stated in an article published by the Tampa Bay Times, “The choices include religious schools, independent and secular schools, and schools for students with disabilities or special needs in every grade level. Some are a combination of all of the above.” You will need to carefully consider your child’s needs and decide which program is right for them. We encourage you to research all available options and to visit schools when possible. At Lakeside Christian School, we love hearing from new families and are always happy to give a tour of our private middle school in Clearwater, FL

The Right Grade Level 

You’ll also need to take into account your child’s age and grade level when looking at private schools in the greater Clearwater region. A number of outstanding schools, such as the many private high schools in the area, only serve certain grades. At Lakeside Christian School, we teach kindergarten classes all the way up to 12th-grade courses. If you are struggling to find a school that will welcome your middle schooler and guide them through the remainder of their school years, consider a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, that teaches grades K-12. 

The Right Choice 

We might be a little bit biased here, but we think that Lakeside Christian School is the best private middle school in Clearwater, FL. But don’t take our word for it. We encourage you to peruse through the list of top Clearwater private schools put together by Private School Review. You’ll find that we have a sterling five-star rating and place among the top 20 percent of private schools in all of Florida. We are accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and we welcome families to compare our school to others until they find the choice that’s right for them. If you are looking to narrow down your choices of private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, look no further than Lakeside Christian School. 

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Why Middle School Students Benefit From a Private Education

Students entering middle school will experience an assortment of social, spiritual, and academic challenges at a time when they are still figuring out who they are and whom they are going to be. Whether public or private, the school your child attends will be crucial for determining how well they navigate these situations. In this article, we discuss why private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, are the clear choice for parents who want the best for their teen and preteen children. 


Overcoming Social Challenges

To say that middle school is socially challenging for students would be an understatement. As Psychology Today puts it: “At least during the first year or two of middle school, most students go through times of feeling socially insecure and emotionally vulnerable.” They may experience a whirlwind of emotions, including self-doubt, embarrassment, loneliness, jealousy, and anger. 

It is during this delicate time that your child will become more independent as they distance themselves from childhood. At Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, we take these challenges seriously and strive to provide students with the tools they need to successfully navigate situations like these and come into their own as strong, capable leaders. 


Taking the Next Step

Middle schools lay the groundwork for whom children will become. Academics must focus on college-readiness during this time. Remember, it’s never too early to prepare students for the coursework and subjects they will be studying in high school and beyond. By the time other schools address preparation gaps in high school, it’s already too late. Students who fall behind are far less likely to be prepared later in life, which is why we use the following college and career readiness checklist to eliminate preparation gaps:


  • Data-Driven Instruction
  • Aligned Curriculum
  • Best-Practice Instruction
  • Effective Educators
  • Complementary Technology
  • Biblical Worldview
  • Safe and Secure Learning Environment 

If you fear that your child is falling behind, schedule a tour at our private middle school in Clearwater, FL


Receiving Individualized Attention

Smaller class sizes are one of the most well-known advantages that private schools have over public schools. It’s true; public schools can’t compete when it comes to the individualized attention that our private school teachers can give. As mentioned above, your child will be facing an assortment of social challenges. A private school can provide them with the guidance they need to develop into a fully functioning adult. 

At Lakeside Christian School, our team of effective educators can instill in your growing child the lessons they need to thrive. Small class sizes allow them to address students as individuals, not as a crowd, and data-driven instruction allows teachers to highlight problem areas and spotlight accomplishments that would have gone unnoticed in a public school setting. Feel free to contact us and discover how your middle schooler can become a Lakeside Christian School Lion. 


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How Private Schools Improve College Readiness Part 2

In this two-part article, we are discussing data compiled by national education organizations regarding the high rate of success of private schools at preparing students for college criteria. Although a high school education is extremely important, college readiness actually begins well before high school. The most critical years for learning development are from Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

At Lakeside Christian School, we provide educational programs for elementary school, middle school, and high school. If you are interested in learning more about how your children can achieve academic excellence at a Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please contact a school representative today.   

Take Advantage of the Benefits a Private School Has to Offer

As we discussed in the first part of this article, there are several benefits to enrolling your children in a private school setting including:

  • Along with having the option to choose your child’s school, parents prefer the academic standards, dedicated teaching staff, and excellent resources of a private institution.
  • A private school can provide students with an excellent learning environment including an improved student/teacher ratio. The students are also more likely to achieve their academic goals in both high school and at a four-year college.

There’s also statistical evidence that showcases that a private school curriculum can help students prepare and excel at standardized testing.

Private School Students Surpass Standardized Testing Benchmarks

There are a number of recent studies that support that private school students either meet or exceed the benchmark scores for several important standardized tests. In a 2016 study of the College Board’s SAT assessment, private school students greatly surpassed the national mean score for the most common collegiate standardized test. Similarly, according to data compiled by American College Testing (ACT), private school students performed exceptionally well in their 2012 assessment. If you are interested in learning more about these studies or reviewing other studies related to private school success rates, please visit the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) website.  

Whether it’s a better academic learning environment, improved student/teacher ratio, more challenging curriculum, daily tutoring opportunities, or other excellent resources to cultivate your child’s academic preparation, Lakeside Christian School is committed to providing students with the opportunity to achieve academic excellence.

If you would like to learn more about a prestigious Clearwater, FL, Christian school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How Private Schools Improve College Readiness Part 1

Several studies within the last decade support the fact that students that attend private schools are more prepared to take on college coursework. Furthermore, they are more likely to graduate with a four-year degree. In this two-part article, we will discuss relevant data compiled from several studies on this topic. We will also discuss many of the benefits of enrolling your children in one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.

At Lakeside Christian School, we offer a highly comprehensive college preparation program that provides elementary, middle school, and high school students with core academic preparation, daily tutoring sessions, homework assistance, and small class sizes that focus on the individual needs of each and every student.

Private Schools are Preferred by Parents

There are several reasons to enroll your child in a private school that benefit both your child and your family as a whole. Not only will private school students receive a first-class education, but studies also support that their parents are generally more satisfied with private school facilities, teachers, and overall standards.

According to data compiled by a 2012 study performed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), private school parents reportedly give high marks in the following areas:

  • Communication: Private school administrators successfully initiate more effective communication practices with parents. This includes parent-teacher conferences, emailing or calling parents, among other means of communication.
  • Workload: Parents are more satisfied with an improved student/teacher ratio and a more challenging course curriculum to prepare their child for college coursework. Parents also generally feel their children are required to accomplish the right amount of homework at a private school.
  • Higher Learning: Private schools meet parents’ expectations in regard to specific educational attainment levels. Whether it’s influential teachers, tutoring programs, or higher scores on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT, there are many benefits to a private school education system.
  • Community: Parents are more likely to participate in various school-related activities at a private school including fundraisers, conferences, board meetings, in-school events, volunteer opportunities, and other extracurricular events.

Religious Schools Have a Tremendous Graduation Rate

Some studies show that private school students are more likely to obtain a high school diploma, attend a four-year college, and earn a bachelor’s degree. According to data compiled by NCES over a two-year period that began in 2002, 97.2 percent of religious high school sophomores went on to graduate in the summer of 2004 compared to 84.1 percent of public high school sophomores. Similarly, 76.2 percent of these religious high school sophomores were in their second year of college in 2006; whereas, 40.5 percent of public high school students were attending college in the study.

Although the above data was compiled from a study over a decade ago, as we will discuss in the next part of this article, many recent studies released by the SAT and ACT support the idea that private schools meet or surpass benchmark expectations for these standardized tests and better prepare students for their college coursework.    

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Private Middle School in Clearwater FL

If you are looking for the ideal private middle school in Clearwater, FL, that upholds strong moral principles alongside its academic standards, look no further than Lakeside Christian School. Our caring and close-knit community provides all the resources your middle schooler needs to succeed. We are committed to academic excellence, fellowship, and helping our students reach their fullest potential.

Our Learning Community

At Lakeside Christian School, we provide small classrooms, accelerated curriculums, and brand-new learning technologies to facilitate each and every student’s academic growth. Middle school is such a critical time in a student’s development. As your child transitions out of their carefree elementary school mindset and approaches their teen years, it is especially important for them to be in an emotionally, mentally, and physically safe environment.

LCS employes a strict No Bullying policy and encourages students to be the best version of themselves every day. In order for children to excel academically, they must feel comfortable in their learning environment. We strive daily for our school to feel like a “home away from home” and a place of limitless opportunity.

College Preparatory Academics

Preparing your child for college begins at an early age. We believe in helping each student maximize his or her potential beginning in kindergarten. By the time they are in middle school, students tend to start forming more serious plans about their future. At LCS, we help ensure these dreams can be realized.

Our accelerated academics prepare middle schoolers for the realities of high school, which in turn prepares them for college. We believe challenging and encouraging students during this pivotal time keeps them focused on what they can achieve. Since 1975, we have been an esteemed private middle school in Clearwater, FL, widely recognized for our effective college preparatory program, first-rate academics, and caring community. We are proud to say that our high school has a 100% graduation rate and that we have sent countless students off to the college of their dreams.

Looking at Private Middle Schools in Clearwater, FL?

If you’re searching for private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, we invite you to take a look at LCS in action! We provide 1-on-1 tours, so parents can truly envision what their student’s day-to-day life would be like in our fun, challenging, and compassionate learning environment.

Worried about the cost of a private school education? Don’t be! We are a Step Up For Students participating school, so your child could receive a scholarship. Check out the Step Up website for details. For more information on Lakeside Christian School or to schedule a tour, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or fill out this form.

Christian Middle School Clearwater FL

Your child’s school is one of the biggest influences in his or her daily life, so it can be a big and (understandably) stressful decisions for parents. If you are searching for a Christian Middle School in Clearwater, FL, we invite you to consider joining the LCS family!

Who We Are

Lakeside Christian School is a small private school with big academics and an enormous sense of purpose.

Our student body is comprised of everyone from accelerated learners to children who are filled with potential but still need a little extra help channeling their talents. Our compassionate and disciplined teachers are the heartbeat of our community. They take pride in each of their students and are invested in each child’s daily happiness, academic success, and long-term future.

What We Believe

At LCS, we believe that in glorifying God through education, service, and kindness. We teach our students to be the best version of themselves every single day.

We believe that a Christian school should welcome those of any faith with open arms, as Christ taught us. Especially at this fragile pre-teen age, we instill the morals of compassion and treating others as one would like to be treated. Our No Bullying policy is firmly enforced.

We believe children should be raised in an environment that reflects the vibrant diversity of Pinellas County. At LCS, we are proud to provide this type of community. However, we also know that diversity is about more than just ethnic background. Our students range from academically advance “gifted” students (though we believe every student has unique gifts!) to behaviorally-challenged students who require a compassionate yet firm helping hand.

We believe that a first-rate private school education should be available to all children who would thrive in our community, not just those with the financial means to do so. We are proud to be an official Step Up for Students participating school. Make sure to check out their website to determine whether your child is eligible for one of the four Step Up scholarships.

See Us In Action

At LCS, we encourage confidence, individuality, and friendship every day. We teach students to live in a way that uplifts others and mirrors God’s love for us. We provide a strong academic foundation on which students can build a lifetime of career success. But don’t just take our word for it—come see for yourself!

We provide 1-on-1 tours for those looking at Christian middle schools in Clearwater, FL, so you can take the most realistic look at our environment as possible. To schedule a visit or ask us any questions, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or fill out this form.

Best Private Schools in Clearwater FL

Welcome to Lakeside Christian School: one of the Best Private Schools in Clearwater, FL

Are you searching for the best private Christian schools in Clearwater, FL? Look no further than Lakeside Christian School. As a Christ-centered K-12 institution, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where students excel academically, grow spiritually, and develop as confident leaders. Our small class sizes, individualized attention, and commitment to faith-based education set us apart as a top choice for families in Clearwater and beyond.

Why Choose Lakeside Christian School?

At Lakeside, we believe that education is more than academics—it’s about shaping the whole person. Here’s why families consistently rank us among the best private schools in Clearwater, FL:

1. Christ-Centered Education

Faith is at the heart of everything we do. From Bible-based curriculum to daily prayer and weekly chapel services, we help students develop a strong spiritual foundation. Our mission is to prepare students for success in life while instilling Christian values that guide their decisions and relationships.

2. Academic Excellence

Our rigorous academic programs challenge students to reach their full potential. Whether your child is just beginning their educational journey in kindergarten or preparing for college in our advanced high school courses, our dedicated teachers provide personalized support to meet each student’s needs.

3. Small Class Sizes and Individualized Attention

One of the hallmarks of Lakeside Christian School is our commitment to small class sizes. With a low student-to-teacher ratio, our educators can focus on each child’s strengths, challenges, and growth areas, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

Explore Our Programs: A Private School for Every Stage

Lakeside Christian School offers a robust K-12 program tailored to meet the unique needs of students at every stage of their educational journey.

  • Elementary School (K-5):
    Our youngest learners build a strong academic and spiritual foundation through engaging lessons, hands-on activities, and caring teachers who nurture a love for learning.
  • Middle School (6-8):
    The middle school years are a time of growth and exploration. We focus on academic preparation, character development, and opportunities for students to explore their talents through sports, arts, and leadership.
  • High School (9-12):
    High school students benefit from a challenging curriculum, college preparation resources, and opportunities to deepen their faith. We prepare graduates for success in higher education and beyond.

Affordable Tuition and Scholarships

Private education is an investment in your child’s future, and we strive to make it accessible to all families. Lakeside Christian School participates in Florida’s Step Up for Students program. For more information, visit our tuition page.

Learn more about how you can make private education affordable by contacting our admissions office today. Call 727-261-0937 or email

Engaging Athletics and Arts Programs

Lakeside’s athletics and fine arts programs enrich the student experience, teaching valuable life skills such as discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.

  • Athletics: From middle school to varsity teams, our students excel in sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, and baseball, competing against other private schools in Clearwater, FL. We also offer elementary sports pprograms on Saturday mornings.
  • Fine Arts: Students can participate in visual arts, showcasing their talents in school art shows and local competitions.

Schedule a Tour of the Best Private School in Clearwater, FL

Discover why Lakeside Christian School is the right choice for your family. Schedule a personalized tour to experience our campus, meet our dedicated teachers, and see our programs in action.

Contact us today to learn more:
📧 Email Us
📞 Call: (727) 261-0937



Why Families Choose Lakeside Christian School During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy, reflection, and community—making it the perfect opportunity for families to explore educational options that align with their values and aspirations. At Lakeside Christian School, we believe in fostering academic excellence while nurturing faith and character development in every student. As one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, we stand out for our ability to blend a Christ-centered approach to education with a warm, family-focused atmosphere.

If you’re considering a change or exploring private middle schools in Clearwater, Fl for your child, here’s why December is the ideal time to discover what Lakeside Christian School has to offer.

Faith-Centered Holiday Celebrations

At Lakeside Christian School, the holiday season is a meaningful time to reflect on the true reason for Christmas: celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Unlike many secular schools, we integrate the teachings of the Bible into all of our curriculum and seasonal traditions, ensuring that every activity points back to God’s love and grace.

From special Christmas chapel services to art class to National Honor Society service projects, students actively engage in spreading holiday cheer and practicing compassion. These events not only foster a sense of community but also reinforce Biblical values that resonate with the season of giving, makeing Lakeside one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.

Academic Excellence Rooted in Christian Values

Lakeside Christian School provides a rigorous academic program designed to help students succeed both in school and beyond. With small class sizes, personalized attention, and a dedicated faculty, we ensure that each child’s unique potential is recognized and nurtured.

For families searching for private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside offers an engaging curriculum that prepares students for high school while instilling a lifelong love of learning. During December, we work with students to set goals for the new year, reinforcing a growth mindset and encouraging academic perseverance.

A Community That Feels Like Family

The holiday season is all about family, and that spirit is deeply woven into the culture at Lakeside. As one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, we pride ourselves on fostering strong relationships between students, parents, and staff.

Parents often tell us how much they appreciate the sense of belonging and support they feel at Lakeside. Whether it’s through attending school and atheltic events, participating in our Mom’s Prayer Group, or connecting with other families during seasonal activities, there are endless opportunities to be part of our vibrant community.

Opportunities to Start Fresh in the New Year

December marks the perfect time to consider enrolling your child at Lakeside. The upcoming start of a new semester allows students to transition seamlessly into their new environment without missing a beat academically.

For families seeking private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, our middle school program offers a well-rounded education that emphasizes character development, leadership skills, and a strong foundation in faith. Likewise, our elementary school provides a nurturing environment where young learners can thrive academically and spiritually.

Building Lifelong Faith and Character

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is an education rooted in Biblical principles and the gospel. At Lakeside Christian School, we aim to prepare students not just for academic success but also for a life of faith, service, and purpose.

Our approach to character development goes beyond the classroom. Through weekly chapel services, Bible studies, and opportunities to serve others, students learn to live out their faith in tangible ways. This focus on spiritual growth equips them to impact their communities and future families with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Take the Next Step: Schedule a Tour of the Best Private School in Clearwater, Fl

As you reflect on your child’s current educational experience during this season of gratitude, consider what Lakeside Christian School can offer your family. A Christ-centered education not only helps your child excel academically but also lays the foundation for a lifetime of faith and purpose.

We invite you to visit our campus and see firsthand why so many families trust Lakeside with their child’s education. Schedule a tour today to meet our faculty, explore our facilities, and experience the difference a Christian education can make.

Contact Us

Ready to take the next step? Reach out to us at 727-261-0937, email us at, or fill out our online contact form. Let’s make this holiday season the start of something incredible for your family!

This December, choose Lakeside Christian School—where faith, academics, and community come together to prepare every student to be fully equipped for a life of gospel-centered purpose.

To schedule a tour of our campus or to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now.

Lakeside Christian School: Our Commitment to Academic Excellence

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you can make as a parent. At Lakeside Christian School, we understand the weight of this choice and are committed to offering an education that balances academic excellence with spiritual growth. As one of the leading private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, and a top Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, our mission is to cultivate an environment where every student can thrive academically and spiritually.

A Strong Academic Foundation

At Lakeside Christian School, we believe that academic excellence begins with a strong foundation. Our elementary school curriculum engages young learners in a way that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. From the earliest grades, students are introduced to core subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science through a Christ-centered lens, helping them to see how their faith intersects with every aspect of their education.

Our dedicated and caring teachers are dedicated to nurturing the potential in each student. With small class sizes, students receive personalized attention, ensuring that no one falls through the cracks. This individualized approach allows us to meet students where they are, whether they need additional support or are ready to be challenged with advanced material.

Accredited Excellence: ACSI and Cognia

At Lakeside Christian School, our commitment to academic excellence is demonstrated through our dual accreditation with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Cognia. These prestigious accreditations are a testament to our dedication to maintaining high standards in both education and spiritual development, ensuring that our students receive a top-quality, Christ-centered private school education.

ACSI Accreditation

As a member of the Association of Christian Schools International, Lakeside Christian School is part of a global network of Christian schools committed to providing an education that integrates faith and learning. ACSI accreditation is a rigorous process that evaluates privates schools based on their academic programs, faculty qualifications, and Christian atmosphere. This accreditation ensures that our curriculum not only meets but exceeds national academic standards while also fostering spiritual growth and character development in our students.

Being ACSI-accredited means that we are held to high standards in our teaching practices, student outcomes, and overall school environment. It also means that our students are part of a community that values Christian education and is dedicated to preparing them for success both in this life and the next.

Cognia Accreditation

In addition to our ACSI accreditation, Lakeside Christian School is also accredited by Cognia, a globally recognized organization that provides accreditation and certification for educational institutions. Cognia accreditation is a mark of quality that reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and educational excellence.

Cognia’s accreditation process involves a thorough evaluation of our school’s leadership, learning environment, and student achievement. This ensures that we are not only meeting but also striving to exceed the expectations of parents and students in providing a well-rounded, academically challenging education.

The Importance of Dual Accreditation

Our dual accreditation with ACSI and Cognia sets us apart from other private Christian schools in Clearwater, Fl and underscores our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our educational program. For parents, this means peace of mind knowing that their child is receiving an education that is both academically rigorous and rooted in Christian values. For students, it means being part of a school community that prioritizes their academic success, spiritual growth, and overall well-being.

At Lakeside Christian School, we are proud to uphold the standards set by ACSI and Cognia, and we are continually working to improve and enhance the educational experience we offer. Our accreditations are not just a badge of honor; they are a reflection of our dedication to providing an education that equips every student for a successful and meaningful future.

Middle School: A Time for Growth and Discovery

The middle school years are a pivotal time in a student’s life. It’s a period of rapid growth and discovery, where students begin to take ownership of their education and develop the skills they will carry into high school and beyond. At Lakeside Christian School, our middle school classes, athletic programs, and chapel services are designed to guide students through this transition with a balanced approach that emphasizes both academic rigor and spiritual development.

Our curriculum is tailored to challenge students intellectually while nurturing their spiritual and emotional growth. In subjects like math, science, history, and language arts, students are encouraged to think critically, engage in thoughtful discussions, and explore complex concepts. At the same time, our required Bible classes and chapel services provide a space for students to deepen their faith and develop a personal relationship with Christ.

We also offer a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and develop new skills. These activities not only enrich their educational experience but also teach valuable lessons in teamwork, leadership, and perseverance.

Integrating Faith and Learning

What sets Lakeside Christian School apart from other private middle schools and Christian elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, is our commitment to integrating faith into every aspect of our curriculum. We believe that a true education goes beyond academics; it involves shaping the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

In every subject, from science to literature, our Christian educators encourage students to view the world through a biblical lens. This approach helps them to see the relevance of their faith in all areas of life and prepares them to navigate the challenges of the modern world with a Christ-centered perspective.

Our faculty and staff model this integration of faith and learning in their own lives, serving as mentors and role models for our students. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the sports field, or in chapel, our educators are committed to helping students grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.

Preparing Students for the Future

At Lakeside Christian School, we are not just preparing students for the next grade level; we are preparing them for life. Our commitment to academic excellence means that our students are well-equipped for the challenges of high school, college, and beyond. But more importantly, they leave Lakeside with a strong foundation of faith, character, and values that will guide them throughout their lives.

We believe that every student is uniquely gifted and created for a purpose by God, and it is our mission to help them discover and develop those gifts. Through a combination of rigorous academics, Biblical education, and character development, we strive to equip our students to be leaders who make a positive impact on their communities and the world.

Why Choose Lakeside Christian School?

Choosing a school is about more than just academics; it’s about finding a community that shares your values and will partner with you in raising your child. At Lakeside Christian School, we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment where students can grow academically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Our small class sizes, dedicated teachers, and Christ-centered curriculum make us one of the best private middle schools and Christian elementary schools in Clearwater, FL. We invite you to visit our campus, meet our faculty, and see for yourself the difference that a Lakeside education can make in your child’s life.


Lakeside Christian School is dedicated to academic excellence, but our commitment goes beyond the classroom. We are passionate about developing the whole student—intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. With our Christ-centered approach to education, we aim to equip every student with the knowledge, skills, and faith they need to succeed in life.

If you’re looking for a Christian private middle school or private Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, that values both academic achievement and spiritual growth, we invite you to learn more about Lakeside Christian School.

To schedule a tour of our campus or to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private Christian elementary schools in Clearwater, FLcontact us now.

A Community of Faith and Fellowship: The Importance of Spiritual Development at Lakeside Christian School

While academic achievement and extracurricular activities undoubtedly play crucial roles in shaping a student’s life, Lakeside Christian School has a primary mission to teach the truth of God’s Word and present the Gospel to its students. This esteemed institution has established itself as a nurturing and compassionate community of faith and fellowship, prioritizing fully equipping students with knowledge of the Bible and faith in Christ alone for salvation.

At Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL, education extends beyond textbooks and lectures. It encompasses the formation of character and values, recognizing that Biblical instruction is an integral part of a student’s educational journey. With this understanding, our school strives to create an environment that fosters growth in Biblical knowledge and faith.

The Benefits of Spiritual Development in Children

Since its opening in 1975, Lakeside Christian School has sought to carry on the mission of its founding church, Lakeside Community Chapel pastored by Stephen Kreloff. Like the church, the school seeks to proclaim Christ, teach wisdom from God’s Word, and present every student with complete knowledge of the Gospel and salvation. Lakeside’s spiritual mission is that all students would come to know, love, and honor the Lord Jesus Christ. Lakeside Christian School exists to bring God glory and to make Him known to our students.

At Lakeside Christian School, education goes beyond textbooks and lectures. It encompasses the formation of character and values, recognizing that a strong spiritual foundation is essential for students to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives. By nurturing their spiritual well-being, we aim to empower students to become not only academically successful but also compassionate, ethical, and spiritually grounded individuals.

Improvement Through Spiritual Development

Lakeside Christian School’s Christ-centered education allows our students to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God. It encourages them to embrace their faith and live out its principles. As the top private middle school in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School places great emphasis on community and fellowship. This focus has proven beneficial to students in multiple ways. Students are encouraged to build relationships with their peers, teachers, and mentors, creating a supportive network that uplifts and guides them on their spiritual journey.

Promoting Spiritual Growth

One of the hallmarks of Lakeside Christian School’s approach is its Christ-centered education. Students are encouraged to embrace their faith and live out its principles in their daily lives. By fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with God, Lakeside creates an environment where students can explore and strengthen their spiritual beliefs.

Apart from integrating faith intentionally within the curriculum, Lakeside Christian School provides various extracurricular activities that further promote spiritual growth. The various programs, including competitive athletics, offer students opportunities to apply their faith in practical ways, extending their learning beyond the classroom. These experiences foster a sense of purpose and instill in students a desire to help others and make a positive difference in society.

Within this nurturing community of faith and fellowship, students are provided with opportunities for prayer, worship, and reflection. Chapel services are integrated into the school’s schedule to allow students to deepen their understanding of their faith and engage in spiritual introspection. Through these experiences, students develop a sense of awe and reverence for the world around them, seeing it as a reflection of God’s creation.

Community and Fellowship

Lakeside Christian School places great emphasis on community and fellowship, understanding that spiritual growth can be nurtured through positive relationships. Students are encouraged to build strong connections with their peers, teachers, and mentors. This supportive network becomes a pillar of strength for students, uplifting and guiding them on their spiritual journey.

We actively promote an atmosphere of love, respect, and empathy, where each individual is valued for their unique qualities and contributions. Students are taught the importance of compassion and service to others, reinforcing the belief that a life of faith is not just about personal spiritual maturity but also about sharing the gospel with others.

Lakeside Christian School: Building a Sense of Faith Among Its Students

At Lakeside Christian School, we understand that following Christ is a lifelong journey. We understand that the Biblical values and beliefs instilled in students during their formative years will play a crucial role in shaping their character and guiding their decisions throughout their lives.

By nurturing their spiritual well-being, we equip students with the tools they need to face moral dilemmas and make ethical decisions with confidence and integrity. This strong foundation of faith empowers students to find profound meaning and purpose in their lives, guiding them in becoming responsible and compassionate members of society.

We aim to mold not only the minds of our students but also their hearts and souls by embracing the holistic development of each individual, setting them on a path toward a fulfilling and purposeful life. As the best private school in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School remains dedicated to nurturing the biblical faith of its students and inspiring them to become compassionate, ethical, and spiritually grounded leaders of tomorrow.

To learn more about Lakeside Christian School, the top private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, contact us now and help your child embark on their journey of self-discovery.

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