How a Private Elementary School Builds the Foundation for Success

One of the biggest debates when considering public or private school is whether a private education will build a foundation for success in the same way that people view the success of public school students. Certainly cost is a factor for many choosing private vs. public, but in most cases the question ultimately boils down to whether your elementary school child will become more prepared for middle and high school, and later, college.


To help you understand a few ways that private elementary schools can build a foundation for success, Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL, shares a few basics.


Starting with the Basics


Before we can talk about the fundamentals for success and how private schools excel at giving children these tools, it’s first important to understand a few of the studies that support these elements.


  • A recent study found that graduates of private high schools scored 4 points higher on the ACT test. What does that have to do with elementary school, you ask? The foundation to learn all of the higher skills needed for the ACT test are built early.
  • The same study found a similar difference between elementary and middle schools. For example, a comparison of mathematics tests showed private schools scored 18 points higher for eighth-graders and 8 points higher for fourth graders.
  • Math was not the only area where private school students excelled. Private school students also outscored their public counterparts in reading tests by 18 points in eighth grade and 15 points in fourth grade.
  • In the UK, children educated in a private school setting can score up to two grades higher than children in a public education setting. Although this is taking into account a different school system, many of the UK’s private schools follow the same teaching and curriculum style as those in North America, including Montessori learning techniques and faith-based learning.
  • Another study found that compared to public schools, private schools have a smaller average class size of 18.8 students. Additionally, the same study noted that private schools have a lower student-to-teacher ratio of 12 students to one teacher.


Another study found that compared to public schools, private schools have a smaller average class size of 18.8 students. Additionally, the same study noted that private schools have a lower student-to-teacher ratio of 12 students to one teacher.


These numbers put a few important things into perspective. First, it proves that building the foundation for success in high school and college starts in elementary school. Second, it demonstrates that seemingly minor details, like a smaller class size, can translate into big results later on.


Building on the Fundamentals for Success


Now that we have discussed the studied results of a private elementary school education, let’s dive into the how. Understanding how private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, create the foundation for success is just as important as understanding the “why”.


  • To start, private education focuses on a few key factors:
  • Each individual child’s learning style and needs;
  • Data-driven instruction;
  • and an expanded curriculum


These key factors are all intertwined, with one giving way to the next. Let’s break this down further. In a private school setting, class sizes are smaller which means that teachers have the opportunity to understand the way that each child thinks and learns best, and can modify their approach. Additionally, because instructors are not “teaching to test” — in other words, teaching and testing in an endless loop — teachers are given more freedom to modify lesson plans and give each child more individualized attention.


Teachers are also able to focus on data-driven instruction and methods, and because they are privately funded they are able to expand the curriculum beyond what publicly funded schools are able to do. When building the foundation for elementary school students, teachers are not tied to just covering the minimums mandated by the state, they are able to incorporate intellectual, philosophical and religious aspects that will instill more confidence in young learners and equip them with everything they need to build a strong education.


Increasing the Focus on Areas Where Kids Need the Most Help


Previously, we touched on the key factor of individualizing curriculums to meet the needs of each individual child. But, this goes beyond just paying special attention to children with different learning abilities or needs. This means increasing areas of focus for the whole class where kids need the most help — which is a luxury that private school education is able to utilize.


In a public school setting, when the majority of the class fails to understand a specific subject or topic, the students are penalized. This might mean they are penalized with lower test scores, or even being held back a grade, because the curriculum must march on. But in elementary school especially, this can mean you are “building your house upon the sand” so to speak. As the saying says, a wise man builds his house upon the rock, and the goal of private school is to build your child’s educational house upon a rock. So when the entire class struggles to grasp a specific subject, more time is taken to help everyone as a whole understand. And if the class still struggles, there is a closer look taken at the approach and a more collaborative method of teaching for instructors that allows them to strike a solid balance with their class. Christian elementary schools in Clearwater can offer this while public schools simply do not have the time to consistently pivot when the older methods of learning are no longer working.


If you are hoping to build your child’s elementary education for a foundation of success, Lakeside Christian School should be at the top of your list. Lakeside Christian School is an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, which gives students all of the tools they need to succeed. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Looking for Step Up For Students Participating Schools in Clearwater, FL? Consider Lakeside Christian School

Step Up For Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that provides five different types of scholarships for Florida school children in need. The goal of these scholarships is to assist lower-income families with providing their children with the most appropriate learning options. The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) can both be used towards private school tuition and fees.


More than 1,784 private schools throughout the State of Florida participate in the scholarship, and qualifying families are free to choose the school they feel will work best for their child. If you’re searching for a private school that participates in Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL, look no further than Lakeside Christian School. We accept all students from the local Clearwater area whose parents qualify for the scholarship and provide them with the process, program, and tools necessary to accelerate their learning far beyond the normal pace of mainstream education.


Related: What is the #1 Step Up for Students Participating School in Clearwater, FL?


Our Mission Statement

Part of why Lakeside Christian School is so proud to participate in the Step Up For Students scholarship program is because it allows our school to meet the intent of our mission and purpose statements: to fully equip our students for life by providing a high-quality education. We apply the highest standards upon our faculty and staff and constantly seek to improve our professional skills so that we may better educate students of differing educational abilities and backgrounds.

When your child graduates from Lakeside Christian School, you can be confident that they will be:


  • An effective communicator prepared for college and career requirements
  • A critical and creative thinker who is prepared to overcome all obstacles and trials
  • A spirit-led individual who loves God and comprehends His world through the lens of Scripture
  • An academic overachiever whose love for learning guides them forward on their path to success


Related: Additional Benefits to Enrolling in Step Up For Students Participating Schools in Clearwater, FL


Our Academic Divisions

Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, divides elementary, middle, and high school into three divisions: the Accelerated Learning Division, the Rigorous Academic Division, and the College Prep Division. Each of these divisions is accompanied by unique, accelerated learning programs designed to provide students with college and career readiness. Whether you’re interested in making sure your elementary school student develops into a competent reader or looking to ensure that your high school student has the skills necessary to succeed in college, Lakeside Christian School is the place for you. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

What Sets Lakeside Christian School Apart

When selecting the right school for your son or daughter, you are choosing a school that you believe will help your child develop the necessary skills for future success. Deciding what school is right for your child is a challenging task, as the decision can impact their next chapter in life, including what college or university they attend. College admissions have never been more competitive, and applying can be a challenging time for any family due to the stressful nature of the process. 

When you invest in a private school education like the one provided by Lakeside Christian School, your child will experience a challenging curriculum that will prepare them for a college course load. Furthermore, colleges take careful notice of your child’s graduation requirements and their role outside of the classroom. At Lakeside Christian, we offer students the opportunity to explore a variety of engaging programs outside the classroom, including athletics, the arts, and education-based after school programs. 

Lakeside Christian School is an affordable private school that ranks as one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL. We are proud to provide our students with the individualized attention and academic tools they need to flourish. In this editorial, we will discuss how the right balance of schoolwork and extracurricular programs can prepare children of all ages for future success. To learn more about how we challenge students to achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals, please visit our website.

Related: Why So Many Parents Choose Lakeside Christian

School Programs That Place Your Child on the Right Path

The right school should provide your child with the best environment for success. The programs offered within our high school are here to ensure that our students are well prepared for their academic future while becoming well rounded young adults. Many college admission offices want to see diversity in applicants’ academic achievements and interests as they progress through school. 

As a top private high school in Clearwater, FL, we offer a full complement of scholastic and non-scholastic programs, including athletics and a variety of programs for the arts, including a music and drama department. Our students are always encouraged to discover what works best for them. With the help of our amazing teachers and faculty, they can find the right path for their future success.          

Related: Why Private School Is the Right Choice For Your High Schooler

Many Students Begin Their Path in Elementary School

Preparing your child for college doesn’t happen overnight. Many of our successful high school students were originally enrolled in our elementary school program and steadily developed their academic skills over the years until the day they donned that cap and gown. At Lakeside Christian School, we provide students with a strong academic foundation in elementary school that steadily progresses: 

  • Our elementary school, or accelerated learning division, features mastery, accelerated, and robust learning programs that prepare students for higher education. 
  • Our middle school, or rigorous academic division, prepares students for high school by focusing on a challenging course load, including algebra preparation, study skills, and writing preparation.   
  • Our high school, or college preparatory division, is a true college preparation program that provides core academic preparation and small class sizes. 

When you invest in an education at an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, your child will develop the tools they need to succeed as they mature through our learning program. Because all students thrive at different things, our dedicated staff of teachers help students focus in the areas they need improvement while continuing to strengthen their skills in the areas they excel in. 

Preparing Students for the Future

Setting up our students for future success is what we strive to achieve. Our focus is on providing a conscious effort to make sure our students are prepared for the next step in their lives. Our rigorous curriculum and smaller class sizes allow your child to be challenged while they progress through school. When your child reaches an obstacle along the way, our supportive staff of teachers will help navigate them back on the road to success. The teachers and faculty at Lakeside Christian School are here to push your child academically, promote college and career readiness, and help your child accomplish their goals, both short term and long term. With opportunities for children of all ages, Lakeside Christian School is committed to helping students achieve their lifelong goals, including enrolling in the college of their dreams.    

If you would like to learn more about one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

College Preparation Begins As Early As Elementary School

When you hear the words “college and career readiness,” you likely don’t think of an elementary or even a middle school student. For most parents, elementary and middle school is a time for their student to develop a foundation of fundamental academic skills, basic knowledge, and socialization strategies they’ll need to succeed in their high school education. However, one private school in Clearwater is revolutionizing the way we look at college preparation. 

Lakeside Christian School believes that college preparation begins long before high school or even middle school — in elementary school. The skills and knowledge they acquire in elementary school serve as the seeds for college preparation. In this brief article, we’ll provide an overview of this philosophy as well as the steps Lakeside Christian School has implemented to ensure their students are college-ready and equipped for success. 

Related: How Private Schools Improve College Readiness 

The Philosophy

The philosophy of implementing college and career readiness in elementary school is not, in any means, an attempt to contribute to the latest college admissions frenzy. In no way do we endorse lining up your child’s achievements to consider how they might play on a college application. Instead, our philosophy involves ensuring your child is learning more than simply how to pass a test or get an “A.”

Even as early as elementary school, we believe that students should be encouraged to think about the future and link their interests to potential careers. This goes for parents as well. If you notice your child falling behind, it’s important to act quickly to get them caught up. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become to get your child back on track. This is a large part of why we believe in starting this process so early.

Related:  3 Important Ways to Foster Your Child’s Development in Elementary School

The Strategy

So how does Lakeside Christian School, a private school in Clearwater, act on this philosophy? First, our Mastering Learning Division supports all our students in grades K-5 with a solid academic foundation in language arts and mathematics, including accelerated learning solutions and robust early reading intervention. We’ve seen firsthand how difficult it is for young students who never developed reading and writing skills, which is why we place such a strong focus on producing competent readers and early reading achievement. 

The results are already clear. At Lakeside Christian School, we are consistently and frequently seeing our students improve by two or more grade levels and even go beyond their grade level in math and reading. Thanks to an effective blend of curriculum, technology, and talented educators, your child will be on a secure path towards college and career readiness. Classes fill quickly. If you are considered attending, we invite you to contact us to find out what we have already done to prepare so many children for a bright future of educational opportunity. 

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Outside the Classroom at Lakeside Christian School

The activities students partake in outside the classroom is as equally important as what they do inside the classroom. School athletics and extracurricular programs help boost your child receive a perfectly balanced educational experience. Students participating in one of our school’s seasonal productions or taking the field for their respective athletic team learn how to be a part of something larger than themselves. 

Lakeside Christian School offers a variety of other extracurricular activities, including tutoring lessons and educational programs to ensure that your child is receiving an excellent education at one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL.       

Athletic Opportunities

The benefits of participating in high school athletics have been studied across the country. Athletic programs provide students with real-life problem solving skills, character building, and a great opportunity to bond with their peers. At Lakeside Christian, we offer a full complement of seasonal sports, including but not limited to: football, basketball (for boys and girls), baseball and softball, soccer, and track and field. 

High school students aren’t the only age group that can participate in athletics. Middle school and elementary level sports are also available for students to enjoy, including coed soccer, flag football, volleyball, and many more options. Our devoted staff of coaches build strong relationships with our students by teaching them the fundamentals of each sport and  encouraging them to strive for their very best. 

Lakeside Christian School is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) and the Florida Christian Association of Private and Parochial Schools (FCAPPS) competing against other private high schools in Clearwater, FL, and the surrounding Tampa Bay area. We want our students to take full advantage of all the opportunities they’re presented at our school.

Related: LCS Athletics Quick Facts

The Arts

Personal expression through art can be one of the most powerful and thoughtful exercises in the world. At Lakeside Christian, we encourage all of our students to unveil their creativity. Our private high school in Clearwater, FL, boasts a full theatre department that produces three outstanding productions each year. We also provide students with the opportunity to helm their own production with a set of student directed plays. In the past, our student led productions have included works from Shakespeare and a musical of the acclaimed novel “Bridge to Terabithia.”

Related: LCS Fine Arts Quick Facts

Along with our theatre program, we take great pride in our visual technology department, where students learn how to produce, film, and edit videos. Students in the past have crafted commercials, music videos, and various other video projects as part of this program. At Lakeside Christian, we offer a variety of creative and artistic after-school programs, including music lessons (guitar, piano, singing). Any of our students who sing or pursue a musical instrument are given the opportunity to play at our chapel service.

Other Extracurriculars at Lakeside

Daily tutoring sessions outside the classroom are strongly encouraged at Lakeside Christian, as we want to enhance your child’s success in their academic pursuits. Our afterschool homework program allows students to focus and work through coursework that may be particularly challenging. Extracurriculars at Lakeside Chrisrtian School provide our students with a constructive outlet to excel in. As a smaller private highschool in Clearwater, FL we are able to focus on our modest number of students to better understand your child’s interests so that they can excel in and out of school.   

If you would like to learn more about private high schools in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.


Starting on the Right Path By Selecting the Best Elementary School for Your Child

The start to your child’s education can mean the difference between them developing helpful or harmful learning habits. Over time, the learning habits developed during elementary school will be carried through middle school, into high school, and eventually into college. Lakeside Christian School is an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, that focuses on your child’s individual learning needs. 

Our small class sizes and supportive teaching staff are the foundation that ensures your child receives the utmost attention and encouragement they need to grow. The future academic success of your child can be directly attributed to their elementary school teachings. At Lakeside Christian School, we believe that a focus on reading and an active and supportive teaching style will give your child the guidance they need to have a successful learning experience from elementary school through high school and beyond.       

Reading Oriented 

Unfortunately, many children lack the necessary reading comprehension as they progress through school. As one of the top private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, we can provide the best education possible for your child by ensuring they have a solid foundation of reading skills to build on as they grow. Developing beneficial reading habits in elementary school stokes children’s love for reading as their ability to retain and comprehend information is reinforced for the future. 

A summer reading log is one way we encourage our students to improve their reading skills outside of the classroom. We pride ourselves on helping our students develop exceptional reading comprehension levels to better enhance their learning retention and overall scholastic experience.     

Related: 3 Important Ways to Foster Your Child’s Development

An Active Teaching Style

Elementary school should be about setting the framework for your child’s future academic success while also encouraging their creativity in the classroom. A supportive teacher and mentor can be all a child needs to become passionate about learning. Your child’s elementary school teacher will be their first experience with a formal education and can make the greatest influence on your child’s future education. 

Our teachers also work to keep parents informed with a weekly newsletter including a weekly schedule, worksheets, and, most importantly, individual notes about your child. There are many options for an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, but Lakeside Christian School ensures your child will receive the highest standard of teaching available and give your child the tools they need to grow academically and creatively.        

Related: What I Learned on My Kindergarten Tour

Scholarship Options

Lakeside Christian School offers a number of scholarships for students. Through the Family Empowerment Scholarship, we empower countless children and their families by helping them gain access to a private education regardless of their financial background. We firmly believe that all children should have access to private education and, thanks to a number of scholarships, including Step Up for Students, the McKay Scholarship, and our own FACTS scholarship, we can make it possible. Through our devoted faculty at Lakeside Christian School, our students cultivate academic qualities at a young age that will last them their entire scholastic career and showcase why we are one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL.   

If you would like to learn more about an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

3 Trends in Elementary School Education in 2020

As our culture continues to shift around us, so should the way we prepare our children to enter it. While there may be a hot debate within the educational community as to how to prepare our children for success, the main purpose of elementary education is to foster the growth of crucial cognitive and social abilities that will be further developed later on in their educational careers. This not only includes shifting the traditional paradigm of the classroom but also embracing teaching methodologies that put a renewed focus on inclusion and problem-solving. 

In this article, we discuss three current trends in education that can help boost student success. While there will always be differing viewpoints as to the best teaching methods, our affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, will continue to monitor the latest innovations in teaching to create the absolute best environment for your children to thrive in. 

1. Promoting Inquiry-Based Learning 

One of the issues at the forefront of elementary education is how to keep young minds interested and engaged in STEM education, which focuses on the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. According to the U.S. News and World Report,“by the time students reach fourth grade, a third of boys and girls have lost an interest in science. By eighth grade, almost 50 percent have lost interest or deemed it irrelevant to their education or future plans.” 

Many believe that the way to combat this lack of interest is to promote inquiry-based learning from the beginning. As opposed to traditional methods, inquiry-based learning promotes active learning by posing questions or problems in which the student is given the tools to figure the answer out themselves, not just listening to the teacher tell them the answer and try to retain that information. This is the basis of how STEM knowledge is taught, so when the time comes for them to be introduced to it, they will be more ready. 

2. Cooperative Learning

Think back to your elementary school days — remember the discomfort of being broken into small groups for projects and being forced to work with classmates you didn’t know too well? At first, you may have been a little uncomfortable working in groups that didn’t always include your closest friends, but, over time, you discovered that these other students had lots of important lessons to teach you. The five key elements of cooperative learning are:

  1. Positive interdependence
  2. Individual and group accountability
  3. Interpersonal and small group skills
  4. Face-to-face promotive interaction
  5. Group processing

3. Project-Based Learning (PBL)

This method of education tries to steer away from the “in one ear, out the other” issue commonly found in education. Many young students believe that they will never need school-related lessons outside of the classroom, so why bother retaining the information? PBL addresses this issue by introducing a dynamic approach to learning in which students develop knowledge by exploring real-world problems or scenarios for an extended period of time, allowing for authentic discoveries that they arrive at by working through the issue. This method is different from simply assigning projects during the semester because the project is the semester, not simply an assignment meant to break up classwork. 

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

3 Important Ways to Foster Your Child’s Development in Elementary School

The time your child spends in elementary school, especially in grades K-2, is crucial for their growth. It’s during this time that children develop many of the habits that lead to either success or frustration in middle and high school. In this article, we explore three important ways that parents and teachers can foster a child’s development. These are just some considerations to keep in mind when searching for an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL


Setting Children up for Success 

Your child is doing some serious growing in these early years, both mentally and physically. It’s your duty as a parent to make sure that your child is ready to face the challenges and lessons of school. Be sure that your child is going to bed early and getting plenty of sleep. Generally, your little one should be getting 10-12 hours of sleep each night. Have a nutritious breakfast and packed lunch ready for them in the morning to ensure they have enough energy to focus on their school work throughout the day. 


Encouraging Them to Read

By becoming a strong reader, your child can discover a healthy hobby and ignite a passion for learning that can last the rest of their life. It is perhaps the most important skill that your child can acquire, as evidenced by a study published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. “The ability to read by third grade is critical to a child’s success in school, life-long earning potential and their ability to contribute to the nation’s economy and its security.” At Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, in addition to providing regular literature lessons, we help our students develop their reading ability and habits by giving extra credit to students who turn in a summer reading log.  


Surrounding Them With Supportive Teachers

Although a student’s surroundings, family, and upbringing all play critical roles in their development, teachers remain “the most important factor contributing to student achievement.” Elementary school teachers are among the first role models our children emulate. It’s from them that students learn some of their first and most important lessons in life, which is why all of our professional education staff members meet or exceed the qualifications required by our accreditation agencies. Our team of effective educators strives to give each student the attention and guidance they need — a goal they accomplish with data-driven instruction and small class sizes. If you are interested in how our teachers deliver on our mission to provide every child with a high-quality education, schedule a tour and see why Lakeside Christian School is one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Building Leaders: The Benefits of a Private Christian Education

Every child stands to benefit from a private Christian education, and none should be denied the opportunity. Only through a private education can parents guarantee that their children are prepared for the challenges they will soon face in life and instilled with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Such an education is not impossible to come by. An affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, can provide your child with the education they both need and deserve. 

Preparing for Post-Secondary Academics and Life After 

It’s no secret that a college education is a minimum requirement in many career fields. Despite this obvious fact, public school systems are failing to prepare their students for college, often waiting until the final years of high school before even attempting to teach foundational skills. College readiness must begin in elementary school, which is why our private Christian school prepares students for college all throughout the K-12 grades. It is never too early to build a solid foundation for your child, one where they are provided with the tools they need to prosper in life. 

Deserving of Attention 

It’s all too easy for a child to be left behind in the crowds of students that pack public schools to the brim. When a child is denied the attention they need to develop and grow, they’ll be less likely to speak up in class, less likely to develop a distinct personality, and more likely to second-guess themselves. This is unacceptable. At a private Christian school, your child can benefit from smaller class sizes that spotlight their talents and elevate them to their full potential. 

Our Values 

All children require steadfast guidance, which is why biblical instruction and weekly chapel services are built into our curriculum. As an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, our goal is to build leaders. This can only be accomplished by combining Christian values with improved academic values. Upon graduation, our students are self-directed leaders, capable of effective communication and critical and creative thinking. These are no longer lost students but spirit-led adults that are more than capable of succeeding in life, their future education, and their career. 

At Lakeside Christian School, we believe that every child is entitled to the many benefits of a private education. If you are considering enrolling your child in a private school, we encourage you to schedule a new parent tour and see for yourself why we’re one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Why Parents and Students Love Lakeside Christian School

Lakeside Christian School is a premier Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, that provides students with the opportunity to learn and grow under the guidance of caring teachers and dedicated faculty who challenge students to “achieve their academic, social and career-minded goals.” At Lakeside Christian, every class is taught from a Christian worldview to help students understand the value of loving God and loving others.

Parents and students alike can’t help but profess their love for Lakeside Christian. In fact, a quick Google search of “Lakeside Christian School” proves it. Lakeside Christian holds a 4.8/5 rating on Facebook as well as a 5/5 rating on Private School Review and So, what’s the secret to their success? In this brief article, we’ll outline a couple reasons why Lakeside Christian is the best Clearwater, FL, Christian school.

Academic and Spiritual Training

Since 1975, Lakeside Christian has infused their educational program with God’s Word to cultivate a learning environment that strengthens students both academically and spiritually. Early on, students are prepared for college to ensure that they have all the tools they need to succeed by the time they graduate. Teachers are dedicated to student success, putting their all into the mastery of their subject to help students reach the next level of their academic development. However, this passion for academic excellence never overshadows Lakeside Christian’s mission to tie in Biblical teachings that inspire a wholesome, worldly knowledge and everlasting curiosity.

Step Up For Students Scholarships

Another reason why parents and students love Lakeside Christian is because they offer Step Up For Students Scholarships, like the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship, for families that may not be able to afford to enroll their child in a private school. Since 2001, more than 784,000 scholarships have been provided to families in need of financial assistance. Private education doesn’t have to be unattainable, by applying for the FTC Scholarship, you can give your child the education they need to succeed.

Respect and Equality

The hard work of teachers and faculty have allowed Lakeside Christian to build a veritable microcosm of respect and equality. On school grounds, every student is treated with respect by their classmates and teachers, which allows them to grow uninhibited by negativity or contempt. Many former students have returned to Lakeside Christian as teachers and faculty to help preserve this important tradition, and it’s truly one of the important differentiators that has helped the school earn its reputation as the premier Christian elementary school in Clearwater, FL, while maintaining a 90 percent or greater retention rate.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a top Clearwater, FL, Christian school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

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