Log in to your Parents Web account. Under the Family Information tab, click on “Enrollment/Re-enrollment” and complete information as required. Please Note: medical information and over-the-counter medication permissions have been added for all students.

Any student still on school property and not in an afterschool activity at 4:15 pm is automatically enrolled in the aftercare program for the day.  Parent accounts will be billed at the rate of $10 per day per child to a maximum amount of $140 per child per month.  All students must be picked up by 6pm.  The aftercare phone number is 727-423-6118.

Parents will be notified via email of any school closings or emergency situations.  Generally, for weather situations, we will align with the Pinellas County School System.

Parents should call or email the school to advise of their student’s absence and provide the office with any physician’s note they may have received.

Lakeside classes start at 8 am and end at 3 pm for all grades. Early drop-offs start at 7 am. Students are marked Tardy when arriving after 8 am.

Lakeside serves grades K-12.

No, there is no religious requirement for Lakeside attendance.  However, through daily biblical instruction offered through our committed Christian staff, Lakeside’s spiritual mission is that all students would come to know, love, and honor the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes. All students who attend Lakeside Christian School will have daily biblical instruction and weekly chapel services as part of our curriculum.

Yes. Lakeside’s dress code is detailed in the Lakeside Parent Handbook.  Additionally, Lakeside requires that students wear the Lakeside polo with the school logo, which may be purchased only at Lakeside.

Find more details here.

All prospective students (excepting K-5) must take admissions examinations to assess their current levels of academic preparedness.

Yes.  Lakeside Christian School is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools, International (ACSI).

Yes. Lakeside holds athletic membership with the Florida High School Athletics Association (FHSAA) and the Florida Christian Association of Private and Parochial Schools (FCAPPS). Therefore, we offer a variety of sports throughout the school year such as: football, volleyball, basketball, softball, baseball, cheerleading, soccer, cross country and track. See our Athletics page for more details.

Lakeside accepts the Florida School Choice Scholarships as 100% coverage for tuition. If a parent does not qualify for any of the Florida Scholarships, then LCS has the FACTS Assessment offering up to a 50% scholarship, based on income.

Click the links below for more information on the law requiring all school personnel to report any signs of child abuse.

Additionally, if you would like information about reporting suspected misconduct by LCS educational staff, click here.

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