If you’re considering sending your child to a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, you’re probably wondering how you can narrow down your list of three or four schools to the private school that best suits your child. While you can certainly conduct your fair share of research through reading the school catalog or magazine, visiting their Facebook page, browsing their website, or watching promotional videos, you’re going to get the greatest amount of information from a visit or tour of the school. This is where you’ll be able to witness the teachers in action, get a feel for the community, speak to students, get a clear look at the campus, and ask some important questions. In this article, we’ve compiled three factors to take into consideration when deciding whether or not you should tour your child’s potential private school.
Related: 3 Benefits of Touring Private Schools Before Enrollment
It’s no secret that class size and student-to-teacher ratios can drastically affect the quality of your child’s education. What’s great about many private schools is that while public school class sizes tend to range from 25 to 30 students, most private schools tend to keep their class sizes closer to an average of 10 to 15 students. For example, the students at Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, benefit from a highly-focused, small school setting that allows students to engage with their teachers on a more personal level.
Taking a tour of the school is a great opportunity to get insight into what the class size and student-to-teacher ratio is like for current classes, whether they endorse individualized learning, or if teaching assistants are being utilized. Especially for larger classes, it may be worth asking how they foster a sense of community within the classroom and the school as a whole.
While many private schools accept students from a number of different academic backgrounds, some may prefer students with a specific focus in a subject area, such as math or the arts. Private schools also may tend to lean towards students that can become active members of the student body through extracurricular activities, such as athletics and theater. During your tour of the school, you ask what kind of students the school is currently looking for, what kind of academic interest do they typically have, and what interests or goals do they pursue outside of academics. It’s best to send your child to school in which they can blend seamlessly with the student body, academically and socially, rather than have to try and adjust their academic focus or goals for the purpose of fitting in.
Related: 4 Important Questions to Ask During a Private School Tour
Private school curriculum is established by the individual school rather than the state, which means private schools are permitted to shape their curriculum around the lessons and values that they deem most important. Some focus on promoting skills to help students succeed after high school, while others promote spiritual and cognitive growth through the incorporation of biblical lessons. During a school tour, you’ll be given the opportunity to get a greater understanding of the school’s curricular approach and how it aligns with your child’s learning style.
Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, prepares our students for college and career with aligned curriculum. This means that all assessments, lessons, and textbooks are matched to meet the standards, and the student’s knowledge is able to build on itself naturally as they go along. To decide the best curriculum for your child, it’s important to conduct the necessary research, tour the school, and consider your child’s unique needs and learning style.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
Deciding to send your child to private school is a major decision that should not be taken lightly, especially if you’re not certain how you’re going to pay for it. However, if you’ve weighed the benefits of your private school over public education, such as smaller class sizes, flexible curriculum, and improved college and career readiness, and know for certain that your child would thrive in a private school setting, it’s time to look into how you afford private school.
In this brief article, we’ll review how Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, helps parents afford the private school education their child deserves.
Related: Practical Strategies for Saving Money for Tuition
What makes Lakeside Christian School one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL is the diverse range of scholarship funding organizations we work with. One of these organizations is Step Up For Students, a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that serves to strengthen public education by administering five scholarships to schoolchildren throughout Florida. If you’re worried about how you may be able to afford a private education for your child, you’ll want to look into the two income-based scholarships they offer: The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship.
Both scholarships can be used as financial assistance towards private school tuition and fees, including books, registration, transportation, uniforms, and more. You may be eligible for either of these scholarships if a member of your household receives SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR; if your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch; or if your household income is at or below the income criteria specified.
Related: Does My Child Qualify for a Step Up For Students Scholarship?
If your child has a disability, then the McKay Scholarship that provides Florida students with disabilities with the option to attend an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL may be the best option for you. In the 2018-19 school year alone, the McKay Scholarship Program for Students With Disabilities awarded over 31,000 Florida students with disabilities the opportunity to attend a participating private school. You may be eligible to receive a McKay scholarship if your student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 accommodation plan and meets certain requirements, such as spending the prior year in attendance at a public school or being enrolled and reported for funding by the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
Last but not least, the FACTS Scholarship is available to all parents who want their child to attend Lakeside Christian School. The FACTS Scholarship is an income-based scholarship designed to create a more affordable tuition through an online financial aid assessment program. The goal of this scholarship program is to help as many families with as much tuition as possible, which is why it’s important to fill out an online application as soon as possible before the deadline in early March.
Other than the scholarships listed above, Lakeside Christian School also seeks to be one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL by consistently increasing our tuition subsidy budgets to provide aid through reduced tuition so that more families can enroll their students at a cost they can afford. For more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call via the phone number below.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
Step Up For Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that provides five different types of scholarships for Florida school children in need. The goal of these scholarships is to assist lower-income families with providing their children with the most appropriate learning options. The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) can both be used towards private school tuition and fees.
More than 1,784 private schools throughout the State of Florida participate in the scholarship, and qualifying families are free to choose the school they feel will work best for their child. If you’re searching for a private school that participates in Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL, look no further than Lakeside Christian School. We accept all students from the local Clearwater area whose parents qualify for the scholarship and provide them with the process, program, and tools necessary to accelerate their learning far beyond the normal pace of mainstream education.
Related: What is the #1 Step Up for Students Participating School in Clearwater, FL?
Part of why Lakeside Christian School is so proud to participate in the Step Up For Students scholarship program is because it allows our school to meet the intent of our mission and purpose statements: to fully equip our students for life by providing a high-quality education. We apply the highest standards upon our faculty and staff and constantly seek to improve our professional skills so that we may better educate students of differing educational abilities and backgrounds.
When your child graduates from Lakeside Christian School, you can be confident that they will be:
Related: Additional Benefits to Enrolling in Step Up For Students Participating Schools in Clearwater, FL
Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, divides elementary, middle, and high school into three divisions: the Accelerated Learning Division, the Rigorous Academic Division, and the College Prep Division. Each of these divisions is accompanied by unique, accelerated learning programs designed to provide students with college and career readiness. Whether you’re interested in making sure your elementary school student develops into a competent reader or looking to ensure that your high school student has the skills necessary to succeed in college, Lakeside Christian School is the place for you. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
If you’re worried that your child may be falling behind in school, you’re not alone. The 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) found that 65 percent of fourth-graders performed below the NAEP Proficient level on the reading portion of the assessment. The NAEP Proficient level is intended to represent students who “have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject-matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter.” If your student is performing below this level, then there’s good reason to be worried that they’ll face difficulty catching up to college and career readiness benchmarks later in life.
In a study performed by the National Center for Educational Achievement (NCEA) in 2012, researchers found that fourth-graders who fell far off track had only a nine percent chance of reaching college readiness benchmarks in eighth grade. What this should signal to parents is that catching students up from falling far behind college readiness standards is incredibly difficult. The key to establishing a secure path toward college and career readiness is by sending your student to an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, that prioritizes the importance of an early start in closing the academic preparation gaps.
Related: How Private Schools Improve College Readiness
One of the most crucial elements Lakeside Christian School focuses on in order to prepare your student for college and career starting in kindergarten through fifth grade is data-driven instruction. In simplest terms, data-driven instruction is an approach to improving student learning that involves the use of information gathered from student assessment. There are two types of data used in the classroom: formative (gathered during the process of learning) and summative (gathered at the end of a learning period).
Effective educators analyze this data, determine if their style of teaching is appropriate for each student, and create smaller groups concentrated on the skills with which students are struggling. This means that your student receives an educational plan entirely tailored to their needs to eliminate academic gaps or propel them forward in their education if they’re already on track. At Lakeside Christian School, we’ve been practicing this type of instruction for several years and have already noticed massive improvements in our scores and effectiveness at closing academic gaps.
Related: 3 Qualities College Admissions Offices Look for in Applicants
Another aspect Lakeside Christian School focuses on in order to ensure our students are on track for college and career readiness is what’s known as aligned curriculum. Aligned curriculum refers to any academic program that is free of academic gaps, aligned across grade levels and subject areas, and purposefully designed to facilitate learning. The concept is based around the idea that students’ knowledge builds on itself naturally rather than repeating unnecessarily.
This gives all students a better chance at eliminating academic gaps from day one. Lakeside Christian School links student test scores on ACT Aspire assessments with post-high school performance and determines what that student needs to learn to be ready for college and career. This gives both educators, students, and parents the necessary information to determine the appropriate educational path, possible interventions, and the resources necessary to succeed.
Supporting the development of your student’s career and college readiness can’t be delayed until high school because it’s incredibly difficult for students to get caught up once they’ve fallen behind. If you want to establish a secure path toward success for your student, it’s time to send them to one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL — Lakeside Christian School. Apart from data-driven instruction and aligned curriculum, we also believe in best-practice instruction, a safe and secure learning environment for all students, complementary technology, and more. Consider scheduling a free tour with Lakeside Christian School today so that you can see for yourself what makes us so different from other schools in the Greater Clearwater area.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
At Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private high schools in Clearwater, FL, we believe in the long-lasting benefits of smaller class sizes because we’ve seen first-hand the optimized learning environment it provides to students. We know that with the right support systems in place, all students can be equipped with the academic foundation and college and career readiness they need to succeed later in life. If you feel by the end of this article that our small class sizes may be the appropriate fit for your student, don’t hesitate to fill out our contact form or give us a call at (727) 461-3311.
Related: How Does a Small School Setting Help My Child Succeed?
In a busy classroom packed with 30 or more students, it can be extremely difficult to nearly impossible for a teacher to provide individual attention to their students. However, instructional quality, academic performance, and students’ comfort level in the classroom all depend in large part on the ability of an educator to individually address and acknowledge students. With smaller classes, teachers get to work one-on-one with each and every one of their students, get to know them and cater their teaching style towards their strengths and weaknesses.
At Lakeside Christian School, we believe that teachers are more than just educators. They’re role models for their students. With smaller class sizes, students get to bond with their teachers in a way that they would not be able to in a larger class setting. Our teachers are more than just interested in propelling your student to the next grade level; they’re personally invested in your student’s success.
Related: Social Benefits of a Small School Environment
Smaller class sizes mean there’s more incentive for students who are shy or don’t normally participate to pay attention, become involved in class discussions, and perform better on their classwork. There’s also significantly fewer disruptions meaning that students with attention issues are more likely to understand and actively participate in the lesson.
With fewer students, you’ll also find that it’s easier for students to form more meaningful, long-lasting relationships with their peers. There’s plenty of opportunities for students to get to know their classmates, work with one another, and form a more cohesive class community.
Last, but certainly not least, smaller class sizes allow for greater opportunities for teachers to provide additional assistance when necessary. This is crucial to closing learning gaps and arming your student with the college and career readiness they need to succeed. If you feel that your student could benefit from small class sizes, a daily tutoring and homework program, and core academic preparation, please reach out to us today to schedule a visit.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
The power of an effective teacher is something all of us have experienced at least once in our lifetime. In fact, you’ve likely had a number of teachers who inspired you, genuinely cared about your education, and pushed you towards achieving your personal and academic goals. Years of research on the subject have shown that effective teachers not only change the way students feel about school but directly impact student achievement.
At Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater private school, we believe in employing teachers who demonstrate all of the qualities that both parents and students wish to see in an effective teacher. These are the educators who hold high expectations for their students, themselves, and their classroom as a whole.
Related: Effective Educators
First and foremost, we believe that it is of the utmost importance for a middle school teacher to connect with their students. This positive relationship will be the deciding factor in whether or not your student feels comfortable in the classroom and is likely to actively participate in class. Without a solid relationship between the students and the teacher built on respect and trust, no quality learning will occur within the classroom.
Teachers that are passionate about teaching and regularly express this enthusiasm in how they perform their job are more likely to inspire students to be excited about what they are learning. The more motivated a teacher is about their job and the subject area they’re covering, the more students are going to strive towards achieving their academic goals.
Related: Superb Teachers Showcase These 3 Qualities
The number one thing effective middle school teachers do to improve their teaching is to incorporate the feedback they receive from students into their lessons. By learning what activities and methods of delivery work best for their students, teachers get better at designing lesson plans that engage their students to participate and retain the information they have learned.
Finally, we believe that an effective middle school teacher is accommodating to the needs of their students. This means they understand the strengths and weaknesses of each student and encourage their success in the classroom by making the appropriate adaptations or modifications to the instruction or classroom activities.
When you send your student to Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, you can be rest assured knowing that all of our teachers have all of these qualities and more. We only employ professional Christian educators who desire to give every student the solid education they deserve.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, the best private middle school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
Every year, parents across the state of Florida apply for income-based scholarships so that their children can attend a private school. Income-based scholarships like the Family Empowerment Scholarship have helped thousands of students attend a private school that would have otherwise been out of their reach. This year is no different. Income-based scholarships remain a source of support for families across Florida. However, the current economic crisis makes applying for a scholarship all the more important.
Below, we discuss how families can apply for income-based scholarships through Step Up For Students, a state-approved nonprofit scholarship organization. We will also discuss why families who have been heavily impacted by the economic crisis have the most to gain from applying. If you’re afraid that your current financial situation is keeping your child from attending the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, we encourage you to consider applying to these scholarships.
Step Up For Students is now accepting applications for income-based scholarships for the 2020-21 school year. Families can apply for both the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship. Both scholarships are based on financial need, and both can be used towards tuition at a Clearwater private school.
Related: 4 Ways to Give Your Child a Private Education While on a Budget
Your child may be eligible for one of the above income-based scholarships if a member of the household receives federal nutrition assistance or the household income qualifies for free or reduce-priced lunch or is at/or below the thresholds found in this eligibility chart. Please review the Step Up For Students website for additional information and eligibility requirements. Funding for these scholarship programs is limited, so be sure to apply as soon as you can.
We understand that right now may be a difficult time for your family, which is why we recommend taking another look at the income-based scholarship eligibility requirements. Even if your child did not qualify last year, they may qualify this year if your family was negatively impacted by the current economic crisis. And even if your child doesn’t qualify for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, they may still qualify for the Family Empowerment Scholarship.
Related: Why So Many Parents Choose Lakeside Christian School
At our Clearwater private school, we believe that children are entitled to a private education regardless of external circumstances. That’s why we provide over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families every year and proudly accept scholarships from Step Up For Students as well as the McKay Scholarship and FACTS Scholarship. If you would like to provide your child with a private education but are unsure how, we encourage you to reach out to us. We would love to work with you to find a solution that sees your child one day graduating from Lakeside Christian School.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
When selecting the right school for your son or daughter, you are choosing a school that you believe will help your child develop the necessary skills for future success. Deciding what school is right for your child is a challenging task, as the decision can impact their next chapter in life, including what college or university they attend. College admissions have never been more competitive, and applying can be a challenging time for any family due to the stressful nature of the process.
When you invest in a private school education like the one provided by Lakeside Christian School, your child will experience a challenging curriculum that will prepare them for a college course load. Furthermore, colleges take careful notice of your child’s graduation requirements and their role outside of the classroom. At Lakeside Christian, we offer students the opportunity to explore a variety of engaging programs outside the classroom, including athletics, the arts, and education-based after school programs.
Lakeside Christian School is an affordable private school that ranks as one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL. We are proud to provide our students with the individualized attention and academic tools they need to flourish. In this editorial, we will discuss how the right balance of schoolwork and extracurricular programs can prepare children of all ages for future success. To learn more about how we challenge students to achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals, please visit our website.
Related: Why So Many Parents Choose Lakeside Christian
The right school should provide your child with the best environment for success. The programs offered within our high school are here to ensure that our students are well prepared for their academic future while becoming well rounded young adults. Many college admission offices want to see diversity in applicants’ academic achievements and interests as they progress through school.
As a top private high school in Clearwater, FL, we offer a full complement of scholastic and non-scholastic programs, including athletics and a variety of programs for the arts, including a music and drama department. Our students are always encouraged to discover what works best for them. With the help of our amazing teachers and faculty, they can find the right path for their future success.
Related: Why Private School Is the Right Choice For Your High Schooler
Preparing your child for college doesn’t happen overnight. Many of our successful high school students were originally enrolled in our elementary school program and steadily developed their academic skills over the years until the day they donned that cap and gown. At Lakeside Christian School, we provide students with a strong academic foundation in elementary school that steadily progresses:
When you invest in an education at an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, your child will develop the tools they need to succeed as they mature through our learning program. Because all students thrive at different things, our dedicated staff of teachers help students focus in the areas they need improvement while continuing to strengthen their skills in the areas they excel in.
Setting up our students for future success is what we strive to achieve. Our focus is on providing a conscious effort to make sure our students are prepared for the next step in their lives. Our rigorous curriculum and smaller class sizes allow your child to be challenged while they progress through school. When your child reaches an obstacle along the way, our supportive staff of teachers will help navigate them back on the road to success. The teachers and faculty at Lakeside Christian School are here to push your child academically, promote college and career readiness, and help your child accomplish their goals, both short term and long term. With opportunities for children of all ages, Lakeside Christian School is committed to helping students achieve their lifelong goals, including enrolling in the college of their dreams.
If you would like to learn more about one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
With the upcoming academic year, parents across the United States will be preparing to send their children off to their first year of high school. You know how important it is to choose a school that will contribute to the academic, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of your child, and that’s why you’ve decided to invest in his or her future with a Christian high school in Clearwater, FL.
Now, it’s your responsibility to closely examine your options and choose the school that will provide your child with the safe and compassionate learning environment they need in order to flourish during his or her formative years and beyond. Below, we’ll touch on the most important aspects parents should take into consideration when choosing a private Christian school.
Related: Narrowing Down Your Choice of Private Christian Schools in Clearwater
A research study conducted by Barna Group in partnership with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) found that current and prospective parents of students in private Christian high schools assigned high priority to intentionally developing children’s character and spirituality when choosing a school. More than 82 percent of parents of current students considered spiritual formation essential when weighing a choice between different schools.
Private Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, fulfill these expectations by establishing measurable academic and spiritual outcomes for all students. The classroom environment is founded on self-respect and respect for others, and the students are able to find positive role models in their teachers and members of their community.
Related: Why Private School is the Right Choice for Your High Schooler
Yet another top priority for parents of both current and prospective private Christian school students is academic excellence. Nearly all, or 95 percent, of current Christian school parents found academic excellence to be essential, particularly as their children near the window for college admissions. The students at Lakeside Christian School, a Christian high school in Clearwater, FL, benefit from small class sizes and student-teacher ratio, meaning that the students are allowed to interact with their teachers much more closely, gain an individualized education, and forge bonds that outlast the length of their high school experience.
Additionally, Lakeside Christian School utilizes aligned or coherent curriculum. Aligned curriculum is beneficial in preparing your high school student for college in that all assessments, lessons, instructions, and assignments are matched to meet the required standards and the knowledge builds on itself naturally rather than repeating. Any academic gaps or deficiencies are able to be resolved and student improvement can be measured against college and career readiness standards.
Related: The Benefits of a Christian Education
Last but certainly not least, parents of both current and prospective parents rated a safe environment as one of the most essential features when choosing a school. The transition out of childhood and into adulthood can be a difficult one, but Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL like Lakeside Christian School can help your student reach their highest academic and spiritual potential by fostering an environment of respect and compassion. Each and every one of our teachers and members of administration actively demonstrates and models Christian principles.
If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the premier Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
The activities students partake in outside the classroom is as equally important as what they do inside the classroom. School athletics and extracurricular programs help boost your child receive a perfectly balanced educational experience. Students participating in one of our school’s seasonal productions or taking the field for their respective athletic team learn how to be a part of something larger than themselves.
Lakeside Christian School offers a variety of other extracurricular activities, including tutoring lessons and educational programs to ensure that your child is receiving an excellent education at one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL.
The benefits of participating in high school athletics have been studied across the country. Athletic programs provide students with real-life problem solving skills, character building, and a great opportunity to bond with their peers. At Lakeside Christian, we offer a full complement of seasonal sports, including but not limited to: football, basketball (for boys and girls), baseball and softball, soccer, and track and field.
High school students aren’t the only age group that can participate in athletics. Middle school and elementary level sports are also available for students to enjoy, including coed soccer, flag football, volleyball, and many more options. Our devoted staff of coaches build strong relationships with our students by teaching them the fundamentals of each sport and encouraging them to strive for their very best.
Lakeside Christian School is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) and the Florida Christian Association of Private and Parochial Schools (FCAPPS) competing against other private high schools in Clearwater, FL, and the surrounding Tampa Bay area. We want our students to take full advantage of all the opportunities they’re presented at our school.
Related: LCS Athletics Quick Facts
Personal expression through art can be one of the most powerful and thoughtful exercises in the world. At Lakeside Christian, we encourage all of our students to unveil their creativity. Our private high school in Clearwater, FL, boasts a full theatre department that produces three outstanding productions each year. We also provide students with the opportunity to helm their own production with a set of student directed plays. In the past, our student led productions have included works from Shakespeare and a musical of the acclaimed novel “Bridge to Terabithia.”
Related: LCS Fine Arts Quick Facts
Along with our theatre program, we take great pride in our visual technology department, where students learn how to produce, film, and edit videos. Students in the past have crafted commercials, music videos, and various other video projects as part of this program. At Lakeside Christian, we offer a variety of creative and artistic after-school programs, including music lessons (guitar, piano, singing). Any of our students who sing or pursue a musical instrument are given the opportunity to play at our chapel service.
Daily tutoring sessions outside the classroom are strongly encouraged at Lakeside Christian, as we want to enhance your child’s success in their academic pursuits. Our afterschool homework program allows students to focus and work through coursework that may be particularly challenging. Extracurriculars at Lakeside Chrisrtian School provide our students with a constructive outlet to excel in. As a smaller private highschool in Clearwater, FL we are able to focus on our modest number of students to better understand your child’s interests so that they can excel in and out of school.
If you would like to learn more about private high schools in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.
Are you ready to join the Lakeside Christian School community? Contact us, and schedule a tour today.
Parents of Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, Click Here.