Should I Apply for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship or the Family Empowerment Scholarship?

If you’re looking to send your student to a private school for the 2020-2021 school year and are wondering how you’re going to pay for it, it may be time to look into Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL. The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program currently offers two scholarships for low-income students in Florida: the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship. Deciding which of these scholarships that you should apply for can be a difficult task, which is why we’ve taken this opportunity to outline what the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program is all about and the difference between these two scholarships.


Related: Why It’s So Important to Apply for Income-Based Scholarships for the 2020-21 School Year


What Is the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program?

The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC) was established in 2001 by the Florida Legislature in order to provide an income tax credit for corporations that contribute money to nonprofit Scholarship Funding-Organization (SFOs) — institutions that award scholarships to families with limited financial resources. The purpose of the tax credit was split off into three main goals: encourage private contributions to nonprofit SPOs, expand education opportunities for children in lower-income families, and enable children to achieve a higher level of excellence in their education.


Of America’s school choice programs, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship is one of the largest in terms of student participation. As of Fall 2019, there were 108,570 participating students with an average scholarship value of $6,195 and 1,836 participating schools. 50 percent of families with children in the State of Florida were income-eligible for this tax-credit scholarship program.


What Is the Difference Between the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship?

The one major difference is that the Family Empowerment Scholarship can only be used toward private school tuition and fees while the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship allows families to choose between financial assistance toward private school tuition and fees OR transportation costs to attend a public school other than the one the student is currently assigned to attend. Other minor differences do exist, such as that renewal students have first priority for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, but the majority of parents are going to be concerned with where these scholarship funds are able to be directed. Another important factor to consider is that, despite the fact that the eligibility criteria differs between the programs, the application is the same for both.


Related: Everything Parents Should Know About Florida’s New “Family Empowerment Scholarship”


Is My Child Eligible for Either of These Scholarships?

Your child may income qualify for either one of these scholarships if your household meets any of these conditions:


  • A member of the household receives SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR
  • The household income qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch
  • The household income is at or below the income criteria outlined in the Eligibility Chart


For example, the Family Empowerment Scholarship income level is designed to serve students in households at $76,800 or below. Priority is given to students whose incomes are below $48,470. If your income is below the income criteria in the income priority chart, your student will be placed on a waiting list until all the renewal families and new families whose income falls under the priority table receive funds.


In terms of other eligibility requirements, you’ll want to make sure that your student has spent the prior school year in attendance at a Florida public school for the Family Empowerment Scholarship. This means that your student was enrolled and attended a Florida public school for both the October and February student counts. The only exception applies for a dependent child of a member of the military transferring from another state or a foreign country due to a change of station. If you are interested in applying for either of these scholarships and are looking for one of the best Step Up For Students participating schools, choose Lakeside Christian School.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Does Attending a Private High School Help Your Child Win a College Scholarship?

The college application season is upon us! With college tuition at a record high and national student loan debt at a crisis level, scholarships are an ideal way to get ahead of the game when it comes to funding your child’s education. Parents of upcoming graduates across the globe are now wondering what can be done to improve their child’s chance of winning one (or a few) of these top scholarships.


While attending one of the best private high schools in Clearwater, FL isn’t a surefire guarantee that you’ll receive a college scholarship, many of the aspects of these schools like smaller class sizes and close relationships with faculty can ensure that your student has the best opportunity to discover the areas in which they excel. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about how attending a private high school may help your child discover activities that interest them most and win that college scholarship.


Opportunities to Develop Specialized Interests

It’s important to remember that there’s a scholarship out there for almost everything, including GPA, languages spoken, extracurricular activities, and more. Whether your child is a first-generation college student, captain of the swim team, or both, there’s a scholarship out there that’s tailored exactly to their individual skills and qualities. The key to winning these highly-specialized scholarships is developing these personal interests and passions. A private high school can offer all the athletic, artistic, and service-based opportunities your child needs to develop their hobbies into passions and career interests. For example, Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, has a stunning fine arts and athletic program, including a varsity football team and drama department.


Related: LCS Fine Arts Quick Facts


Individualized Attention

Another important factor to take into consideration is class size. A number of private high schools in Clearwater, FL including Lakeside Christian School, benefit from a small school setting that affords their students with greater one-on-one time with their teachers. This is relevant to winning college scholarships because studies show a clear relationship between small class size and increased student achievement. For example, a high school English teacher with 4 or more classes of 20 students or more would not be able to give lengthy, in-depth writing assignments because there’s simply not enough time to evaluate each of these student’s essays on an individual level. By receiving this individualized attention that allows your child to forge closer relationships with faculty and staff and develop higher-level thinking skills, your child is more likely to earn a college scholarship.


Related: How Does a Small School Setting Help My Child Succeed?


Building Leadership

Finally, it’s worth noting that a great deal of college scholarships are targeted towards student leaders or students who have exhibited leadership qualities throughout their careers. The best of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, are designed to build student leaders just like these. For example, Lakeside Christian School prepares their students for college all throughout the K-12 grades, providing them with ample opportunities to develop the skills they need to prosper in higher education and beyond. Combine this with the smaller class sizes, and you have a school capable of spotlighting your child’s talents, elevating them to their fullest potential, and shaping them into a student worthy of a hefty college scholarship.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

3 Factors to Consider When Changing Your Child’s School

School is an environment designed to help your child learn, grow, and thrive. If your child is struggling academically, socially, or mentally in their current school, it may be time to consider switching to a school that can better accommodate their learning needs. Common reasons why many parents decide to pull their child out of their current school include everything from class size to inflexible curriculum that doesn’t match their child’s learning style.


These examples, however, only scratch the surface of the possible reasons why you’d want to change your child’s school. No matter what your reasons are, we’ve compiled several factors to weigh in before deciding which private middle school in Clearwater, FL is best for your child.


Quality of Education

The ultimate dream of any parent is to provide their child with a high-quality education. It’s important to be mindful of the quality of education your child will be receiving when switching schools because different schools have varying levels of rigor related to academic curriculum and extracurricular activities. If your child is currently experiencing a tremendous amount of stress related to their workload, it may be worth looking into a school with a more relaxed curriculum. On the other hand, if your child is growing bored or soaring above their classmates, it may be time to switch to a school with a more rigorous approach.

Some great questions you should be asking both the administration and faculty of your prospective Clearwater private school are:


  • Is the curriculum geared towards college and career readiness?
  • How does the curriculum work to eliminate academic gaps?
  • How do the assessments, lessons, tests, textbooks, and the like align with the curriculum?
  • How is progress monitored and encouraged?
  • How is discipline handled?


Each of these questions is directly linked to creating an environment where a high-quality education can be cultivated and nourished.


Related: Why Middle School Students Benefit From A Private Education


Quality of Educators

The term “quality” in regards to educators encompasses the qualification of your child’s teachers, their experience, their professional training, and their capacity to communicate with both the students and the parents. A quality educator, in simplest terms, is someone who is properly trained, certified, experienced in their subject matter, and accessible to both students and parents when either or both is in need of assistance. They are patient and creative in their teaching style, meaning that all students in the classroom are able to learn rather than just those who respond to a traditional learning style.

Once again, setting up a meeting with your child’s future teacher and administration is a great first step in deciding whether your prospective school employs the quality educators you’re searching for. Some possible questions to ask include:


  • How has the teacher prepared for this school year?
  • How does the administration evaluate the teachers?
  • How often do classroom observations occur?
  • How are these teachers provided with mentors or instruction?


Related: Superb Teachers Showcase These 3 Qualities


Class Size

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to consider the class size of your child’s prospective school. When classes are larger (20+ students), it’s much easier for your child to be left behind, especially if the majority of the class understands a new concept.

Smaller class sizes, on the other hand, like those offered by a private middle school in Clearwater, FL are typically more attractive to parents because they offer specialized attention and feedback for their child. Better yet, your child has a greater chance of enjoying closer relationships with their teacher and peers, deeper class discussions, and an enriched learning experience. For a Clearwater private school that values quality education, quality educators, and small class sizes, choose Lakeside Christian School.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Private Schools Catch Parents’ Eye As COVID-19 Surges

As the pandemic continues on, more and more families are seeking out schools that are fully in-person rather than remote. In many cases, this means switching from public to private schools, despite the additional cost. Take, for example, the millions of parents working at 9-5 jobs. When their local public schools went online in the spring, managing their child’s school day meant they would not be able to go to work without additional help or some type of child care. Now, between a combination of public schools operating under hybrid instructional models and those which have transitioned to full-time remote learning, parents are panicking as to how they’re going to make it through the end of the school year. More often than not, these are the parents who don’t have the luxury of hiring a private tutor for their child to ensure they stay on track amid all this certainty. They need their children in school, rather than at home.


The solution: more than 22 percent of respondents with K-12 students in a study conducted by the University of Southern California said they would change schools for the upcoming school year. In this brief article, we’ll review just a few of the key benefits of sending your child to an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, for the 2021-2022 school year over a public elementary school.


Smaller Class Sizes Mean a Safer Classroom Environment

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, elementary schools across the country have implemented a number of safety precautions, including limiting class sizes, staggering schedules, and cleaning surfaces often. However, these safety precautions can only go so far, given the 2.7 million students enrolled in only 4,517 Florida public schools. In contrast, many of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, are at a competitive advantage over these schools due to their small classes and large classroom spaces that make social distancing much easier. If that alone wasn’t convincing, many private schools have also received endowments to upgrade air filtration systems, set up tented classrooms, and revamp nurses’ offices.


Keeping Students on Track

A study released this week by American management consulting firm McKinsey & Company estimates that the shift to remote school back in the spring set white students back by one to three months and students of color back by three to five months. Not only did these students begin the academic year behind, but now experts fear that these losses will escalate as the pandemic persists into the next school year. What we’re going to be looking at, essentially, is a lost generation of students.


To mitigate this education gap, parents need to consider how they’re going to provide remediation to their children at a time when school districts are struggling to pay for their basic needs like teachers’ salaries. The answer just may be sending your child to an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, like Lakeside Christian School. Our Mastery Learning Division is proud to provide all students in grades K to 5 with the solid academic foundation in math and language arts that they need to be prepared for success in secondary grades.


Prepare Your Student for the Future

If this year has proved anything, it’s that we can’t predict the future. Now more than ever, you want to have confidence in the fact that your child is going to be ready for anything these next couple of years could throw at them. This means you need to send your student to one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, that incorporates an academically rigorous curriculum with real-world skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. For example, the faculty and staff at Lakeside Christian School help to personally shape each of their students into purpose-driven leaders that are prepared to shape their world for good.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Are You Looking For School Options For Your Child? Consider Step Up For Students.

As a parent, you know that selecting a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever have to make. In the State of Florida, we recognize that school choice is a crucial component to ensuring that all parents have the opportunity to provide their children with access to an outstanding education. That’s why our state is the national leader in providing a wide variety of school options to meet the unique educational needs of each family.


One of the options you have for your child is religious and other nonpublic schools through Florida’s scholarship programs, including the John M. McKay Scholarship for Students With Disabilities, the Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship, and the Opportunity Scholarship Program. In this brief article, we’ll discuss how Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL can provide your student with more school options.


Related: Everything You Need To Know About Step Up For Students In Florida


What Is Step Up For Students?

Step Up for Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization founded in 1998 by Tampa venture capitalist John Kirtley as a solution to the lack of educational options available for low-income students. Today, the organization manages multiple scholarship programs offering five separate scholarships to thousands of Florida schoolchildren: the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC), the Gardiner Scholarship, the Hope Scholarship, the Reading Scholarship, and the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES). The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, on its own, is the largest scholarship program of its kind in the nation and offers scholarships to more than 100,000 low-income students.


Take Advantage of Income-Based Scholarships

There are two income-based scholarships offered to low-income students through Step For Students — the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship. The only major difference between the two is that while the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship allows families to choose between financial assistance toward private school OR transportation costs to a public school other than the one the student is assigned to attend, the Family Empowerment Scholarship is only to be used towards private school tuition and fees. Your student will not be found eligible for either scholarship if your family’s income is found to be between 261% – 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.


Applications are processed in the order that they are received, and the available scholarships are awarded with a priority given to renewal families and those with the greatest financial need. That’s why it’s important to submit your application as soon as possible, ensuring that all of your financial information is accurate. For the Family Empowerment Scholarship, your child must also be either able to enroll in kindergarten or have spent the last school year in attendance at a Florida public school.


Related: Does My Child Qualify For A Step Up For Students Scholarship?


Select a Participating School

Once you’ve received your scholarship, your next step is to select one of the Step Up For Students participating schools. While there are a wide variety of participating schools in the region, you’ll want to select a school that can help your student achieve their academic, social, and career-minded goals like Lakeside Christian School. With small class sizes and a plethora of opportunities for individualized education, our students are able to grow connected with their fellow students, develop academically and spiritually, and prepare themselves for college and beyond.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Choosing the Best Private Middle School

Approximately 5.7 million students out of the 56.4 million students in the United States were projected to attend private schools in Fall 2020. If you’re looking to send your child to a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, you want to be sure that the school you choose will support your child’s social and emotional development and provide them with a comfortable learning environment where they can succeed. The middle school years are especially difficult for students, which means it’s incredibly important to find a school that will assist your child throughout the process academically, socially, and emotionally.


With the right school, this transition period between elementary and high school can be the perfect opportunity for your child to develop lifelong skills, a love for learning, and the ability to advocate for themselves. In this brief article, we’ll review a few questions you should ask yourself when choosing the best Clearwater private school for your child.


Related: Why Middle School Students Benefit From A Private Education


What Are the Academics Like?

This question encompasses everything the private middle school does when it comes to academics, including the standards, curriculum, instructional strategies, and college readiness. At Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, this comes in the form of our high school prep program, complete with our algebra preparation curriculum, our study skills division, and our writing prep program — all of which serve to provide our students with the foundational skills and academic confidence they need to succeed in high school and beyond. Each of our students benefits from daily structured homework assistance and tutoring time as well as accelerated writing instruction.


You’ll also want to get an idea of how your child’s school aligns their educational programs, classes, and units with their strategically designed curriculum. Lakeside Christian School uses data-driven instruction, which means that your child receives an entirely customized educational plan that will work to either propel them forward or eliminate academic gaps.


What Is the School Environment Like?

This question refers to the environment or culture of the school in which learning takes place and includes a number of factors, such as class size, the emotional and physical safety provided to students, involvement with the local community, administration, and diversity. You want to know that the private middle school you’ve chosen is capable of handling disruptive behavioral incidents, bullying, and other threats to your child’s education. This means finding an environment where your child can be accepted, valued, and supported by their teachers and peers.


At Lakeside Christian School, we provide a safe place for your child to learn and demonstrate the biblical principles of loving God by fostering warm and respectful relationships among our staff members and between staff members and students. We’re constantly seeking to give back and strengthen our relationship with the community that God has given us, and we believe in providing a healthy environment where your child can feel accepted by their community.


Related: Social Benefits Of A Small School Environment


What Are the Extracurriculars Like?

Private middle schools do much more than develop the academic abilities of their students; they also provide extensive opportunities for students to pursue their passions, broaden their horizons, and showcase their skills. You’ll want your student to be exposed to a wide variety of these opportunities for development, including athletic programs, fine arts programs, and extracurricular activities. Lakeside Christian School offers a number of athletic programs to this end, including junior high football, volleyball, cross county, cheerleading, softball, and more.


Learn more about the top Clearwater private school and the importance of choosing the best private middle school for your child by talking with an administrator from Lakeside Christian School.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a private middle school in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Helping Your Child Apply to College During COVID-19

Applying to college is already a stressful experience for many high school students and their parents. Throw in a global pandemic, and you’ve got a recipe for frustration unlike any other. Between unprecedented financial situations to campuses that can’t be toured, almost every key aspect of the college admissions process has been turned on its end. Fortunately, one of the best private high schools in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School, has compiled a comprehensive list of ways you can assist your child with applying to college during COVID-19.


Related: What Colleges Look For in Your Child’s School


Take Advantage of Online Tours

Nationwide bans on large campus gatherings have forced many colleges to cancel in-person campus tours and admission events. To compensate for the lack of admission visits, a number of colleges have begun using virtual webinars, tours, and events to allow prospective students to get a feel for the school during the admissions process. You can find a number of these tours and virtual webinars on the college’s website. For example, if your student wanted to attend Harvard, they’re welcome to attend a student-led Virtual Historical Tour of Harvard via Zoom for a history of the university, general information, and a unique perspective of the student’s individual experience. If your student is deciding between several options, you could also use CampusTours — the leading provider of video tours, photorealistic interactive campus maps, and compelling walking tours. No matter which college your student is interested in, there’s sure to be a virtual component available for them to get a better understanding of what it’s like on campus and in the classroom.


Consider Staying Closer to Home

More than ever, U.S. universities are seeing a surge in interest from in-state students looking to stay closer to home amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Some students may want to be closer to home in case the pandemic once again forces classes online, while others are looking to benefit from the in-state tuition rates. If your child was only applying to out-of-state schools with one safety school in their home state, now would be the time to broaden their application net, applying both to high-range and safety schools. We also recommend spending time with your child to re-identify schools that are the best fit for them based on academics, financial aid, campus culture, and, now, distance from home.


Related: 3 Qualities College Admissions Offices Look For In Applicants


Decide to Take and Submit ACT & SAT

There was already a trend in place of colleges moving away from requiring the SAT or ACT and, because of the pandemic, nearly two-thirds of colleges in the United States have gone test-optional as thousands of students had their tests canceled due to COVID-19-related safety concerns. If your child has already taken the SAT or ACT, the decision whether or not to submit these scores for their college application can be a difficult one. To have the best chance of getting accepted into the university of their choice, we recommend that your child only submit their scores under two conditions:


  • His or her SAT/ACT scores are in line with or better than their GPA
  • His or her SAT/ACT scores are in line with or better than the school’s average


For example, if the university’s SAT average is 1400, and your child earned a 1250 on the SAT, it may prove detrimental to submit their SAT scores in their application. For a high school that knows exactly what colleges are looking for in your child’s education and will work with them every step of the way to properly prepare them well in advance of the college application process, choose Lakeside Christian School — one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

How to Keep Your Child’s Mind Sharp During a Holiday Break

The holiday season is upon us. It’s time for students to take a well-deserved break from school, enjoy the cooler weather of the winter months, and spend quality time with their loved ones. Unfortunately, even Thanksgiving Break, which is typically only a week off from school, can have a negative impact on your child’s academic achievement levels. In what’s known as winter learning loss or “winter slide,” students experience significant setbacks in their math and reading skills as a result of not engaging in any acts of meaningful learning during the break.


Thankfully, incorporating meaningful learning into your child’s Thanksgiving or Christmas break doesn’t mean sending them off to summer school or forcing them to spend each day practicing their multiplication tables. In this brief article, Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, goes over three methods parents can use to keep their child’s mind sharp over a holiday break.


Related: 3 Important Ways To Foster Your Child’s Development In Elementary School


Keep Them Reading

Keeping your child reading is by far the most important method on this list. It’s incredibly tempting for elementary students to spend their winter break glued to a screen somewhere in their home like a television, video game console, or tablet. One of the best ways to stimulate their brain and make sure that their reading skills continue to strengthen is to motivate them to continue reading throughout winter break. Below, we’ve compiled some easy tips to do just that:


  • Take your child to pick out books at the local library
  • Try a reading challenge like asking your child to read 20 minutes a day
  • Find other books or series by an author or in a genre that your child already enjoys
  • Pack a paperback or an audiobook for long road trips
  • Set aside a time to read aloud to your child


Make Use of Online Educational Resources

Fortunately, if you find your child inevitably drawn to technology like a mobile phone or tablet, there are thousands of online educational resources available at the click of a button. A quick Google search reveals a whole host of great websites and applications that combine fun and games with valuable learning opportunities. To help you select the best option for your child, we’ve compiled a list of websites and apps below based on teaching value, reliability, and ability to engage students.


  • PBS Kids: A one-stop-shop for educational videos and games covering an extensive array of topics provided by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
  • Khan Academy Kids: A free, fun educational program for children ages two to seven that includes a variety of learning materials across math, language arts, and social-emotional learning.
  • TIME for Kids: Since 1995, American news magazine TIME has published a weekly magazine with age-appropriate stories for elementary students. The complete library of previously published editions and additional educational resources was recently made available online.


Find Teachable Moments

The truth is that we’re always learning, even if we don’t notice it. One way to keep your child engaged in learning is by taking advantage of teachable moments. For example, you could make a habit of asking your child to read license plates, road signs, and restaurant menus. Any little bit helps toward the progression of your child’s reading skills. For math, we’d recommend asking your child to perform basic math problems like counting the number of commercials that come on during a television show. This will also help to show your child to realize that the skills they’re learning in school have real-world applicability.


All of these steps, however, are virtually useless if your child is not returning from their winter break to an elementary school that best fits their needs. If you want your student to benefit from the best possible education, smaller class sizes, and individual attention, it’s time to consider enrolling him or her in Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

The Role of Athletics in Your Child’s Education

As private and public schools across the country build their budgets for the next school year, they’ll be allocating millions of dollars in spending plans to fund scholastic sports. This includes the cost of coaching salaries, equipment, transportation, facility rentals, and other items necessary to provide students with the opportunity to participate in athletics at school. During the time of a pandemic that’s quickly morphing into a major economic crisis, it’s clear why some parents and teachers alike may be questioning whether athletic programs are worth the cost.

To answer this question, we have to consider the role of athletics in your child’s education. In this article, we’ll explore why Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private high schools in Clearwater, FL, and many other schools believe that athletics has a profound impact on your child’s school performance, values, and well-being. For more information or to schedule a tour of our campus, please give us a call at (727) 261-0937.

School Performance

Contrary to the widely-held notion that athletics is detrimental to a student’s academic performance, recent studies have shown that student-athletes are just as successful if not more successful than non-athletes in terms of academic achievement. In a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical activity was consistently related to positive outcomes, including academic achievement, cognitive skills (memory and concentration), and academic behaviors.

Increased time spent on physical activity also did not detract from academic performance even when less time was devoted to subjects other than physical education. This strongly aligns with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s recommendation that students participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.  In addition to improved concentration and academic achievement, those who participate in high school sports are also 15 percent more likely to attend college as a result.

Related: LCS Athletics Quick Facts


The athletic program at Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private schools in Clearwater, FL, plays a crucial role in teaching our students to act with discipline, respect themselves and their peers, assume responsibility, apply God’s word and his principles to their lives, and develop a commitment to their team and the school as a whole. The student-athletes at Lakeside Christian School serve as role models for their fellow classmates and members of their community. Other essential life skills students frequently take away from athletic programs include:

  • Determination
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Unity

Related: What Sets Lakeside Christian School Apart From Other Private Schools in Clearwater, FL?


Finally, athletics also plays a role in the well-being of your child. Since student-athletes have a greater sense of personal responsibility and initiative, they are more likely to build stronger relationships with their peers, have higher self-esteem, and participate more in volunteerism. A recent study conducted by Gallup on behalf of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) found that students who competed in athletics were more likely to report as “thriving” when it comes to community engagement, job satisfaction, and relationships.

If you’re looking to reap any of the benefits of including a strong athletics program in your child’s education, reach out to Lakeside Christian School — one of the best private high schools in Clearwater, FL that currently offers varsity football, volleyball, baseball, softball, basketball, cross country, and more.

If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the top private schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.


Wondering How You Can Afford a Private Education? Consider Step Up For Students.

On October 14, 2020, Step Up For Students announced a monumental milestone. The state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that helps administer five of Florida’s six K-12 scholarship programs had awarded the funding of their one-millionth scholarship. If you’re looking for school options for your child for the 2020-21 school year, now is the time to apply for an income-based scholarship through Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL.


More than 784,000 scholarships have been provided to lower-income Florida students in grades K-12 since 2001, and your child could be next. Read more to learn about what the scholarships can be used for, who is eligible to receive these scholarships, and what makes Lakeside Christian School the number one option out of the Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL.


Related: Step Up For Students: Your Ticket to Private School Education


What Can the Scholarship Funding Be Used For?

Currently, Step Up For Students in Clearwater, FL, offers two income-based scholarships: The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES). The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship allows you to choose between financial assistance towards private school tuition and fees or transportation costs to attend a public school other than the one your child is assigned to attend, while the Family Empowerment Scholarship only provides financial assistance towards private school tuition and fees. For the purpose of this article, we will only be discussing the money which goes towards private school fees.


The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the Family Empowerment Scholarship can be used towards the following private school fees, in this order, until the fees are covered or the maximum scholarship amount is reached:


  • Tuition
  • Books
  • Registration
  • Transportation
  • Uniforms
  • Testing
  • Other


It’s important to note that, although books and uniforms are listed above, both scholarships’ funding may only be used towards books and uniforms sold by the school rather than a third-party vendor.


Who is Eligible For These Scholarships?

Eligibility for these scholarships is based on a number of factors, including household income, student age, and where the student currently resides. You may qualify for either FTC or FES if you meet any of the following conditions:


  • A member of your household receives SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR
  • Your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch
  • Your household income is at/or below the defined income criteria
  • Your student is homeless
  • Your student is in foster care or out-of-home care


Related: What Are the Qualifications and Eligibility Requirements for the Family Empowerment Scholarship?


Why Should You Choose Lakeside Christian School?

Out of the extensive list of Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School is the ideal institution for your child because we offer opportunities for individualized education, classes taught from a Christian worldview, and aligned curriculum tailored to the needs of our students. Each of our students benefits from early college preparation, first-rate faculty and staff, and a tight-knit learning community.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up For Students participating schools, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

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Next Step

Are you ready to join the Lakeside Christian School community? Contact us, and schedule a tour today.

Parents of Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, Click Here.


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